Gen Grosse and Lisa Love

Lisa Love (47) interviews her good friend Gen Grosse (49) about Gen's loving and supportive spirit, their friendship and Gen's family history.

Allison Tant and Courtney Atkins

Longtime friends Allison Tant [no age given] and Courtney Atkins [no age given] sit down for a conversation about their advocacy work, their parents, their children, and the strong women who inspired them to become the community leaders they are...

Immigration Stories Italy: Mustapha

Mustapha's journey begins in Gambia and travels through 7 different countries before reaching Calabria, Italy. Mustapha tells of the great risk as he leaves his family behind to travel for months to Libya. Mustapha tells us of how when he...

Immigration Stories Italy: Lamin Tamba

Lamin Tamba, who goes by Lamin, and in our interview he shares horrific details of his journey from Senegal to Libya and then ultimately pushed onto a boat into the Mediterranean Sea in complete darkness, hoping he makes it safely...

Immigration Stories Reel–a brief recap of the overall, unedited audio interviews. The full impact is embodied within the full interviews.

I had the privilege to interview immigrants, descendants of immigrants, and asylum seekers across the world. Their stories were accompanied by anonymous portraits made from cyanotype imprints of their bodies and forms to which provided privacy and freedom to speak...

Bronwyn Miller and Maleica [No Name Given]

Friends Bronwyn Miller [no age given] and Maleica [No Name Given] [no age given] discuss Maleica having HIV, survival, and hope.

John Babcock Part 1: “I testified against the Hells Angels”

This section is a brief introduction to John and his life. We discussed his career and how it affected his life. He talks about how he changed a young man's life and the school he built from scratch. John also...

Immigration Stories Italy: Savaneh Lamin

Savaneh Lamin, who goes by Lamin, talks about his arduous journey from the Ivory Coast to Libya and then crossing the sea to be rescued by a Ship. Once rescued by a ship he was brought to Italy and then...