My Private Army

My 91 year old grandpa, Joe Jedeikin, was a young Jewish boy growing up in Switzerland during the Nazi Era. He tells a story about a fearful incident with the Nazis during his travels to his aunt's wedding in Latvia.

Les & Susan Cooper

Les and his family had many narrow escapes from the Nazis during the war and they eventually managed to escape across the boarder to Austria from Hungary. They had to live in a camp for a few months before they...

Paulina Castiel & Annette Weinberg

Paulina, during the war the Nazis would make their lives miserable. When she was four they were taken from their home in Romania and forced them into a ghetto where they waited to be taken to Auschwitz. Her father was...

Caroline Weingarten & Annette Weinberg

Caroline, 98, sat down with Annette to share her story about surviving the Holocaust. She was 13 when Hitler came into power. Looking for a way out, she was one of 300 who were allowed to go to Palestine, because...

Bennett Bowers and Glenda Bates

Bennett Bowers: 2024-04-11 20:19:21 Bennett Bowers(17) interviews Glenda Bates (84) about her memories of the 1960s and her job as a high school teacher during that time.

Peyton Flannagan and Michael Flannagan

Peyton Flannagan: 2024-04-11 21:49:03 Michael Flannagan was the recipient being asked the questions. Michaels age is 74 and is my grandfather. We discussed a lot about the draft, how he was drafted into the army with one of the biggest...

Eva Perlman & Annette Weinberg

Eva was eight months old when Hitler come to power. Her father was part of the resistance and fled with her and her brothers to Marseille, France then on to Lyon where he continued to fight for the resistance. Her...