FYS Interview about the theme of clinical psychology with Dr. Brittany Canady by Jessica Lane.

I interviewed Dr. Brittany Canady for my First Year Seminar class at Marshall University. Our FYS class has been focusing on critical thinking and how thoughtfully developed and artfully asked questions can lead to enriching and enlightening stories. Frank Sesno’s...

Alycia Wright and Kyle Crossett

One Small Step partners Alycia Wright (47) and Kyle Crossett (45) discuss homeschooling and education, living off the land, and why they think the United States is losing its "middle ground."

The Vietnam Experience

Gary Terry was in the Army for 2 years in Vietnam. This is his story of the experience he had before, during, and after the war.

Hillary West and Haydon Pitchford

[Recorded Wednesday, February 16, 2022] Hillary (71) and Haydon (27) recorded a One Small Step conversation together about their experiences related to serving as a first responder (Haydon) and clergy (Hillary) at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville in...

Evelyn Sroufe and Gerald Graves

Gerald "Jerry" Graves (74) talks to his sister Evelyn Cruz Sroufe (76) about his Navy service during the Vietnam War and the impact it has had on him.

Joseph Howe, Cameron Kuo, , , and
January 19, 2017 App Interview

Joseph Howe, a Vietnam War veteran, explains the every day challenges faced by veterans once they come home. For him, health issues resulting form Agent Orange exposure continue to affect him to this day. He also talks about the hypervigilence...

John Sroufe and Diane DiSanto

John Sroufe (74) speaks with his wife, Diane DiSanto (74), about his time as a photographer in the US Air Force during the Vietnam War. John expresses his moral qualms about serving in the military, recalls his initial resistance to...

Terry Dawson and Michael Gorin

One Small Step converastion partners Terry Dawson (66) and Michael Gorin (71) discuss questioning their faith, what "patriotism" means, and how to talk to people with political differences.

Darren Lee and Cynthia Lee

Husband and wife, Darren Lee (59) and Cynthia "Cindy" Lee (64), discuss how they met, got married, and raised a family all while serving in the military.

My Cat died

I had a white cat as a fluffy white cloud in heaven and now I have a different cat

Jake Van Yahres and Jason Spellman

One Small Step conversation partners Jason Spellman (33) and Jake Van Yahres (32) discuss how growing up around Charlottesville, Virginia and attending Virginia Commonwealth University influenced them.

The Vietnam war from my grandfathers view

My interview was over FaceTime I asked my grandpa about his experience in the Vietnam war he talked about how it affected his life going into it and after it he said that it didn’t have much of a big...

Carl Berning and Carol Berning

Carol Berning (68) talks with her husband Carl G. Berning (73) about his service in the Army during the Vietnam war. Carl talks about the draft and why he enlisted in the Army, he talks about the training he received,...

Rodney Farmer and Pam Bessey

Rodney Farmer (75) speaks with his stepdaughter Pam Bessey (56) about his time serving in the Vietnam War. Rodney discusses Agent Orange, his travels around Southeast Asia, and memories from his time served that have inspired his poetry.

Jim and Rhonda Lancaster talk about how they fell in love.

In this interview, conducted on November 16, 2016 in Capon Bridge, West Virginia, Rhonda Lancaster interviews her husband, Jim, about how they met and fell in love. They discuss the breakfast where Rhonda was interviewing new teachers and how that...

Henry McHenry and Susan Weir

One Small Step Partners, Henry McHenry (73) and Susan Weir (61), take an hour to discuss political divisiveness, the importance of listening, and their perspectives as life-long educators.

Dwight Bunn and Carla Orellana

Dwight Bunn (77) speaks to his wife, Carla Orellana [no age given], about his experience in the Army and the challenges he has faced since the end of his service. Dwight says he developed restrictive lung disease from exposure to...

Mimi Kline and Louis Rose

One Small Step partners Mimi Kline (71) and Louis Rose (69) take turns sharing stories and perspective about some of America's most pressing issues including, gun violence, transgender rights, and voting fraud.

Maria Hall and Kim L.

[Recorded: September 29, 2022] Maria (21) and Kim (56) have a One Small Step conversation in Charlottesville, VA. Maria is an undergraduate student at the University of Virginia and is deeply interested in LGBTQ+ and women's rights topics. Kim is...