Scott Beauchamp looks back on his life

Scott Beauchamp (53) talks with his daughter, Jenna Beauchamp (15) about his life growing up, which includes his best and worst memories. Also, he talks about what his goals were for his life, and whether or not he had any...

Dad's Family Memories

In this interview I conducted in November 2022 in Larkspur California, I interviewed Thomas Gaine, 49 male who is my father. in the interview, he talked about childhood experiences he had and how that shaped him as a person today....

Will Goldberg with Seena Goldberg

Will Goldberg: 2021-11-28 17:41:34 I talked to my Grandmother about her childhood and her family. I also talked to her about Parenthood and memories about her children.

2 Jenny Rask Interview 3/4 of Father Gene Rask about the births of his brothers and their relationship with their father.

Jenny Rask: 2020-08-25 Jenny Rask (49), Interviews father Gene Rask (88), about the births of his brothers and their relationship with their father growing up in Butte, Montana. Gene talks about his father's advice to his children, his parenting style...

Jackie Adkins and Theresa Adkins Lewis: A Mother-Daughter Conversation

On Mother's Day 2020, Theresa Lewis (48) interviewed her mother, Jackie Adkins (85), to discuss a range of topics that allowed Theresa to learn more about her mother. Specifically, they talked about Jackie's joys and sorrows throughout her life and...

Generational Differences- Vanessa Muniz Interview w/ María Álvarez
December 5, 2022 App Interview

Interviewing my mother, Maria Alvarez, on her upbringing and it’s similarities/differences with my upbringing. Questions asked: -where did you grow up •religion •structure -coming to the US •differences •having children & teachings •religion -best accomplishments

Three short Interviews with founders of Waldorf Schools in Mexico: Inlakesh, Ak Lu’um, and Aguascalientes Waldorf Schools

During the regional delegates meeting for Waldorf schools located in the fondly named region of TexMexCanSoRock (Texas, Mexico, Canada and the Southwest Rockies), three short interviews were recorded asking the question to three Waldorf school founders there, "What were the...

Interviewing Barbara and Steven Carr

Hermione Lu (16) interviews family friends Barbara Carr (72) and Steven Carr (75) about growing up in San Diego and their life when Steven was drafted and joined the Coast Guard.

Barry Gordon

Barry Gordon (82) talks with his children Allegra (42) and Jeremy Gordon (36) about stories from childhood, science experiments, and his unique path from physics to the psychology of encounter groups and psychics in the 1970s, and into a career...

Rommel Noufi and Daughter: Check Your Tire Pressure.

Corinne Noufi (28) and her father, Rommel Noufi (72), explore the evolution of their father-daughter relationship following Rommel's life-threatening heart attack. They examine how this incident deepened their connection, highlighting the complex interplay of love, fear, and protection that now...

Kurt Wahl and Susan Beesley Talk family memories, youthful mistakes and getting along with Covid-19.

Kurt Wahl: 2020-11-25 23:03:38 Kurt Wahl, 58, brother-in-law to Sue Beesley talked about old times; kids and marriage; and driving the old VW bug across the country without air conditioning. Sue talked about work and getting layed off because of...

Esther Freeman and Father Ronnie (not priest)

Esther Freeman (18) and her dad Ronnie Freeman (49) talk about their experience living in Germany and how his childhood influenced his parenting. He also tells her what hairstyle would look good on her.

“31 Years of Marriage”

Alena (16) interviews her father Vince (54) about how marriage and parenting changed the course of his life. They talk about making choices that effect life long term and their thoughts on how they are living their lives today.

Roland Morales and Dennie Morales with Brooke Morales

Roland Morales (80) and Dennie Morales (74), parents to Jason Rolando Morales, talk about their experiences being parents and their hopes for his future.

Christy, a former PAT home visiting participant shares what it was like to be a first time mom of a child with the diagnosis of Autism.

“I finally called Parents as Teachers when he was three. He was getting thrown out of preschool classrooms, and not allowed to come back. I realized I needed some help. I needed someone to just give it to me straight....

Paula Lillard Preschlack and Paula Polk Lillard: The Spirit in Montessori's Approach with Children

Paula Lillard Preschlack and her mother/author/speaker Paula Polk Lillard, age 90, discuss their experiences of working with children in Montessori classrooms with this vital theme of the spirit in the approach. Topics covered in order: I: The Silence Game, II:...

Mariel Day and her father, Timothy Day, talks about some of the interesting adventures her father has had throughout his life.

Mariel Day (18) talks with his father, Timothy Day (67) about his hitchhiking adventures around Europe and snippets about his experience in the navy.

Learning More About My Dad: Our Family’s Legacy

Natalie Francis (age 20), conducted an interview of her father. John Francis (age 56) was her choice for this particular project because of wanting to learn more about her father/his life. We talked about everything from his childhood/adolescence, his teenage...

Waldorf School of New Orleans Librarian Lesley Rubenstein

Lesley has been a Waldorf classroom teacher, but her most notable accomplishment at WSNO is our beloved library, which she built from nothing. Find out how she did it.