Queena Stone and Matthew Watkins

One Small Step conversation partners Queena Stone (49) and Matt Watkins (55) talk about how travelling has changed their political and cultural perspectives, whether there is a binary "other side" and how Joe Biden is doing a good job because...

Oral History Interview with Maria Najera: an unstoppable woman who leads with her heart.

I interviewed Maria Najera about her experiences migrating as a child, navigating the United States and pursuing a career as a child and family advocate. Her experiences allow her to draw connections about a correlation between quality of life and...

Ellena Ochoa and Sofia Ridgway

Ellena Ochoa (57) is given the topic of her greatest influence. She elaborates of memories of her grandmother, her childhood and advice she has to give and how that advice has been helpful to her.

The backstory of Alma Zagal by Lucero Mendez

Alma Zagal is a girl who have been passed so much problems in her life, she inspires me to be better everyday and to fight for my dreams. This is an interview with Alma Zagal who she is, and some...

Interview with my Grandma, Patricia Burak

This is an interview with my grandma, about her childhood and the difference between growing up today compared to her time, 80 years ago. She grew up in Los Angeles, during the end of the Great Depression and World War...

Allison Briscoe-Smith and Sue Lani Madsen
September 15, 2023 OSS Hub

One Small Step conversation partners Allison Briscoe-Smith (46) and Sue Lani Madsen (67) talk about how political labels and identity labels don't always get to the nuance of a person, and share stories about how they're teaching the younger generations...

Andrew Munoz and David Munoz

Brothers Andrew Munoz (51) and David Munoz (54) recall their family's tradition of camping and hiking trips in the summertime and the impact these travels had on them.

Navegantes (con Fabiola Bair)

Fabiola Bair (31) talks with primo-hermano Joseph Hernandez (28) about family origins, structure, traditions, social networks, accomplishments and life in general. Trail-blazers at heart and descendientes de familia Oaxaqueña, Fabiola and Joseph share their experiences growing up as 1st Generation,...

Jerlena Griffin-Desta and Franceen Levy

One Small Step conversation partners Jerlena Griffin-Desta (61) and Franceen Levy (76) talked about how coming to the Bay Area influenced their perspectives and how complex and confining political labels and descriptions can be.

PART 3 Gina, Shay, and Rahni: A conversation with a war veteran, a single mother, and her daughters and the effects of Social Injustice.

Gina Howard (44), in part one of a four-part series of a conversation with Shay Ware 25-year-old daughter, and Rahni Patnett, 20-year-old daughter about life before, during, and after the military and how the social injustices have affected our lives...

Marian Shapiro and Robert Price

One Small Step conversation partners Marian Shapiro (78) and Robert Price (73) discuss their belief systems, their families, their political involvement, their concepts of racism, their environmental advocacies, about the functioning of the government, about words that discriminate, and about...

Carol Brown and Jennifer Abplanalp

Jennifer Abplanalp (36) asks her mother, Carol Brown (60), about her life growing up in California, her love of listening to and singing music, and her family history.

PART 4 Gina, Shay, and Rahni: A conversation with a war veteran, a single mother, and her daughters and the effects of Social Injustice.

Gina Howard (44), in part one of a four-part series of a conversation with Shay Ware 25-year-old daughter, and Rahni Patnett, 20-year-old daughter about life before, during, and after the military and how the social injustices have affected our lives...

Dayo Ayodele and Donna Kovaleski

Spouses Dayo Ayodele [no age given] and Donna Kovaleski [no age given] discuss their upbringings, the importance of celebrating cultural diversity, and the evolution of Global Lounge.

Learning More About My Mom Who Is My Best Friend

My name is Brittany Russell and I am 36 years old and my mom, Josie Russell, who is 59 years old will be talking about life, loss, family, and relationships. The location of this interview is Orange County, California and...

Karen Keiser and John Braun
September 28, 2023 OSS Hub

One Small Step conversation partners and colleagues in the Washington State Senate Karen Keiser (75) and John Braun (56) discuss their Midwest origins, moving to Washington state, how their families shaped their politics, and how disagreement in legislative sessions leads...

Sylvia Elizabeth Beck Mathis remembered by Jill

Jill talks about her mother, Sylvia, who recently passed away. She shares memories of Sylvia's early childhood, marriage, and family life, and the valuable legacy she left to her family and posterityl

Maureen Martinson and Desiree Marcil Reflects On Relationship With Her Life

Distance makes the heart grow fonder. On April 27th 2021, Desiree Marcil in Yorba Linda, California interviews mother, Maureen Martinson, in Brea, California. Maureen Martinson reflects on her life with a hospitalized parent, a liberal daughter, and the effects of...