Mason Cohen and Phillip McFarland

Mason Cohen, a high school student, discusses the childhood and childhood experiences for one of his educators, Phillip McFarland (Mr.McFarland).

Jayalakshmi Ranganathan and Twara Sandeep(with Uma Ranganathan and Tulasi Ranganathan as intermediaries)

Twara Sandeep(16) talks with her grandmother Jayalakshmi Ranganathan(73) and asks her questions about her life, with her mom Uma Ranganathan(38) and aunt Tulasi Ranganathan(30) as intermediaries and to join in the conversation as they see fit.

Immigration From Italy to America, My grandparents Story

My aunt was speaking on behalf of my grandmother and grandfather (Nonno and Nonna). They had left Italy during the year of 1968, and traveled to Brooklyn NY, in order to provide for their family by working.

An Interview Between Eva and Norma

I conducted an interview with my high school friend Norma Pu, and we mainly talked about her personality, hobbies, travel experiences, childhood memories, career planning, and values.