Patrick Duganz (39) and Grayson Duganz (10) 2/1/24

Patrick Duganz interviews his song Grayson who was six when the pandemic began. Grayson discusses the upsides of the pandemic (home, and games) and the downsides (school, being advanced for school after the pandemic).

Natasha Marshall

Natasha Marshall: 2020-12-03 19:45:08 Natasha Marshall (18) talks with her aunt, Susan Greenwood (52) about her experience in college and how she ended up in a career she loves but never expected.

Deborah Taub, Cynthia Weinman, Erna Rubinfeld, and Stuart Rubinfeld

Deborah Taub (57) and her sister Cynthia Weinman (56) had a conversation with their aunt, Erna Rubinfeld (78), and first cousin, Stuart Rubinfeld (49), to remember their first cousin (and Erna’s nephew), Victor Wald, who died on September 11, 2001...