Albert W. Wolfgang and Jamie Gunoskey

Al Wolfgang “Pap” tells the story of saving a prisoner’s life in WWII, and the compass that the grateful soldier gave him in return. He also reminisces with to his grandson about his father Henry and his uncle Amos.

“Our accomplishments show what kind of people we are”

The older sister of 3 girls, talking about experiences and life,how she believed in herself in order to become a future microbiologist,one of the biggest role model in my life, and a successful future scientist,is wonderful how advice from a...

Second interview

Talked about the future and how our twin shapes who we are.

Family Journey
November 6, 2017 App Interview

This was an interview with my dad, Manoj. He talks about his life as child, me, and his passions and goals in life. He aslo talks about our grandparents and great grandparents- where they lived and how their life was.

Valentina M-First generation interview

An interview with Valentina about being first generation college student at Calvin University.