Judy Dyson

Judy Dyson is one of the first Black psychiatric registered nurses in Boston and worked for over 50 years at Boston City Hospital/Boston Medical Center (BMC). After retiring in 2019, Judy has been navigating life after a lengthy and fulfilling...

Glenda Terry and Shannon Terry

Glenda Terry (67) and her daughter Shannon Terry (46) speak Shannon's brother Jordan, who had a heart attack 16 years ago, and is still on the road to recovery. They recall their journey of providing Jordan with care, and the...

Carl Lunn and Deborah Lunn

Carl and Debbie share some stories of Carl's early years, then their life together, married for 50 years. Debbie skillfully redirects Carl's answers when his memory is challenging him to recall details.

David Aronstein and Dale Mitchell

Friends and colleagues David Aronstein (68) and Dale Mitchell (71) discuss their work together on the LGBT Aging Project, an advocacy group they founded in 2001.

Carl Berger and Sharon Berger

Carl Berger (77) and his wife Sharon Berger (76) talk about when Carl suffered from a dissected artery, fell into a coma, and was hospitalized for almost a year.

Anita Rodriguez and Naomi Love

Anita Rodriguez (82) shares the stories of her life with her conversation partner Naomi Love (27), reflecting on age, art, and her activism. Anita also speaks about the dynamics of race, racism, and culture, particularly through the lens of growing...

A Sculptor Called Time

This interview is between me and Tony Sutowski. Tony is a Instructional Services Specialist in Sculpture department in University of Iowa. In this interview, Tony talked about how he made the choice to work with art for most of his...

Amy Rothfuss and Julia Resto

Sisters Amy Rothfuss (40) and Julia Resto (33) discuss a car accident Julia was in, resulting in the loss of her child Azaria. They remember the incident, and reflect on the importance of discussing death.

Brian Scott-Smith and Doctor Anthony Fauci talk about HIV/AIDS turning 40 in 2021

British journalist, Brian Scott-Smith talks with Doctor Anthony Fauci about HIV/AIDS turning 40 in 2021 and how it impacts those living and aging with the disease. The interview was recorded for the news podcast - Connecticut East This Week and...

Kate Hoepke and Dr. Wayne Pan: A conversation about community and belonging

Board of Directors Storytelling Project: Our third StoryCorps conversation is between San Francisco Village Executive Director Kate Hoepke and Board member Dr. Wayne Pan. Kate and Wayne shared personal stories that led them to be where they are today. They...

Hilary Schwed & Storey Squires

Hilary, a 7-yr volunteer at Providence Mount St. Vincent (The Mount), explains how serving at The Mount has shaped her and what it is like for her to have a family member live here. He's found a lot of love...

Ed Kowalchuk of Fairfield County, CT and Beth Moeller for the Griswold Resilience Project: Achieving Moonshots

Beth Moeller sat down with Ed Kowalchuk just after the Space X Dragon Launch to discuss lessons learned from immigrant parents, his own immigration to the US from Canada, a career at IBM including little known back room experiences from...

Jennifer McCarthy and Teriyana Morton

Jennifer McCarthy (52) talks with her new friend and "fellow first-born" Teriyana Morton (28) about Jennifer's upbringing, education, and family. Jennifer talks about the impact of a traumatic brain injury on her high school experience and shares about her time...

Marlena Miller and Veronica Monjaras

Mentor Marlena Miller (42) and her mentee, Veronica Monjaras (17), open up about their connection, their struggles with anxiety and the things that make them proud of themselves and each other.

Alan and Nathan Garrett, Father and Son

Nathan Garrett (20) talks with his father, Alan Garrett, about growing up, adulthood, relationships and values.

Geraldine Taylor and James Taylor

James "Jim" Taylor (75) speaks with his wife, Geraldine "Geri" Taylor (77), about her experience living with Dementia. They discuss finding the joy in every day living and their hopes for the future.

Oscar Bolda and Maria Bolda

Husband and wife, Oscar Bolda (61) and Maria Teresa Bolda (62), talk about their marriage and working in the medical field both in the U.S. and the Philippines.

A Conversation with Diane Goldman, Manisha Shahani, and Devon.
December 11, 2022 App Interview

Diane, Manisha, and Devon talk about The Villages of San Mateo County, parenting, aging, and more.