Rahman Thomas interviewing his wonderful mother, Bilquis Thomas, about her life

Bilquis begins with a powerful message for listeners. She continues on to detail her history with her family, and her childhood experiences. She then transitions towards her experience with her own immediate family. Bilquis reflects on her aspirations as an...

My mothers story

My mother talked about her life and her childhood. After asking her personal questions about her past, she began to shed tears remembering what she lived through to give us everything. Towards the end of the interview, Both of my...

Nana Interview

Me and my Nana (Grandma) talked about her life experiences and the life lessons she has learned along the way! Very enlightening!

Christina Cipriani Xavier with Amanda Berry for Stonewall OutLoud

Christina tells Amanda about growing up in Brooklyn, coming out at 14, navigating life with parents who never accepted her sexuality, creating a chosen family, deciding to have a child in the 80s, and later struggling for custody as a...

Julie Kaufman and Beth Wright for Stonewall OutLoud

Beth and Julie tell Karen about falling in love at Oberlin College, moving to California and later Chicago for graduate school, finding a welcoming Episcopalian church, having a ceremony, beginning their journey to have children during the AIDS epidemic, becoming...

Mom’s tales
September 30, 2022 App Interview

I spoke with my mother, Imelda. Her age is 47 years. She talked about herself and her experiences in this interview. Being raised primarily by her grandmother and her childhood, as well as maturing as a person facing life. Even...

Aisha's Commitment

Since 2002, Aisha has received support from La Casa Norte. From housing advocacy to helping her receive full custody of her child, they have been a stable support for her for years.

Dear Mama

After interviewing my mom, I’ve learned that her personality has always been consistent from her past to the present.

Katie O'Connell and Mary Kennedy

Katie O'Connell (22) interviews her grandmother Mary Kennedy (73) about her life and becoming a mother and grandmother.

The Path to Meaning

I got together with my mom to discuss her journey before and after having kids. She talked about motherhood and her decision to quit her job.

Kevin and his daughter talk about parenting & growing up

In this interview, me and my dad talked about many of his challenges in life and greatest moments. The topics of growing up and being a parent are very prominent during our conversation. He talks about everything from his first...

William's Journey (en Español)

William discusses his migration from Puerto Rico to Chicago, his struggle with addiction, how to be resilient in the face of adversity, how poverty affected not only him but his family and how organizations like La Casa Norte help alleviate...

The Truths of Bertille Terri Schantz

I interviewed my biggest role model and mother, Terri Schantz. Terri grew up in democratic rural Iowa with a politically active and very republican mother and a father who was a world war 2 veteran. She learned and abided by...

Mrs. Hornstra’s Life

Today I interviewed Mrs. Hornstra. She is my schools front office person, she has always been so sweet to me and I remember always coming to ask her for help with something and she’d be there to help me. She...

Heidi and her mom Deidre Mick discuss her childhood, and important people and moments in her life.

In this interview, made on December 13, 2020 in Naperville IL, Heidi Mick (13) interviews Deidre Mick (49) about important events and people in her life. Deidre talks about how her childhood has greatly affected her life, and what her...

Interview with my grandparents

I interviewed my grand parents about there childhood, marriage, and how they dealt with cancer

Yomari's Community (en Español)

Yomari shares her story about employment, housing, and food insecurity. She reminisces how vacations back home in Puerto Rico or the Dominican Republic are temporary escapes from the hardships of poverty. Through her work with La Casa Norte she has...

A Talk with Family

A interview with my Aunt, whom I never had a real chance to get to know, until live threw a multitude of bad curve balls at us.