Jan Wildman and Carrie Wade

Carrie Wade (27) interviews her mother, Jan Wildman (65), about meeting her husband, how he came out to her, and how that helped her accept Carrie when she came out.

Why do I like Aquaman instead of Wonder Woman? I didn’t know what was ‘wrong’ with me.

David Radford first had an inkling that he was gay at eight years old. While watching Super Friends, he found himself attracted to Aquaman – not Wonder Woman, like his friends. David discusses the Shreveport gay party scene, Southern Decadence,...

Lyron Andrews and Chanel Andrews

Lyron (46) talks to his daughter Chanel (16) about their relationship, growing up in California, his divorce to her mother and how proud he is of Chanel.

Sarah Valentine and Marcel Woodruff

One Small Step conversation partners Sarah Valentine (42) and Marcel Woodruff (40) talk about their families, faith journeys, and hopes for Fresno as a place of thriving.

Alton Clark Sr. and Jacqueline Davis

Good friends Alton Clark Sr. (81) and Jacqueline Davis (57) discuss Alton's life and the course of his military career, spanning 23 years from 1961 - 1984.

Jeryl's Justification

Entrepreneurship comes in many different faces. As I was discovering new moving stories of incredible people and their passion for creation, I found one that spoke to me. Jeryl's Journey, Jeryl is the mastermind that came up with the incredible...

Lynisha Senegal and Bernardine Tuisavalalo Tavita

One Small Step conversation partners Lynisha Senegal (45) and Bernadine Tuisavalalo Tavita (28) talk about their experiences as women of color - growing up poor, engaging with their communities, and taking on the mantle of leadership.

"We can always do something and we should always do what we can when we can." An interview with Brian Cairns.

Brian Cairns works for the NASA Goddard Institute for space studies in New York, where he focuses on developing instruments that will make better measurements of small particles in space. In this interview Dr. Cairns discusses his start in engineering,...

Ronné Wingate Sims and Hazel Wingate

Daughter and mother Rev. Dr. Ronné Wingate Sims (51) and Hazel Wingate (78) talk about their family background, their experiences as women in the Black Church, and their relationships to God. They reflect on some of the watershed moments of...

Interview with Angie Sanders

Angie Sanders, resident of Morrison Village (2503 Old Mobile Ave, Pascagoula, MS 39567) is interviewed by Reba Brown, Library Assistant 1 from Singing River Genealogy-Local History Library on Thursday, May 16, 2019. Ms. Sanders discusses her two daughters and her...

Claire McCoy and George Black

Claire McCoy (58) sits down with her father, George Black (86), to ask him about his experiences as an actor and his career as a professor in the theater departments of various universities.

Julianne Larsen and Mar Nauta

Partners Julianne Larsen (46) and Mar Nauta (52) discuss how they met, the obstacles they have faced as a couple, and some of the happy memories they have shared during their thirteen years together.

Faryal Atif and Franchesca Peña

Faryal Atif (no age provided) shares with conversation partner Franchesca Peña (no age provided) her story of coming to Lafayette, Louisiana and the ways she has acclimated to a new place that has now become home.

how was basic

In this interview i covered over how basic went throughout joining the army and any pros and cons.

Suzannah Bianco and Nathalie Ingram

Nathalie Ingram (52) and former Olympic teammate Suzannah Bianco (47) describe the early days as athletes and their Olympic careers as "artistic swimmers," which was formerly known as Synchronized Swimming.

Harrison Watkins and Roselyne Swig

Harrison Watkins (33) reminisces with his grandmother Roselyne Swig [no age given] on her vast knowledge and experiences as a businesswoman, mother, and grandmother.

Mary Heers and Katie Swain

Mary Synder Heers (76) speaks to her colleague and friend Katie Swain (30) about the many professions she has held over the years and her spirit of rebellion.