Recording – 05-01-2024 10:51:21

Me and my mom and dad talked about are family and where we are from.

Phi Nguyen and Camille Weinberg

[Recorded: Wednesday, March 20, 2024] The pair differed on being Liberal versus Moderate. They explained their viewpoints and where they came from. They both grew up in Richmond, VA, but one of them has political views with a lot of...

A talk about enjoying the simple things in life

I (Tymon, aged 17) and my teacher (Mr. Ralph), will discuss about what we enjoy in our daily lives and how we can experience life to its fullest extent. I hope this recording can inspire somebody to think and enjoy...

Patrick and his Unique Life

Father (56) discusses his childhood and views on life with his 16 year old daughter.

Nancy Barlowe and Cameron Madden

[Recorded: Thursday, February 29, 2024] UVA students Nancy (20) from the Fairfax, Virginia area and Cameron (20) from the Richmond, Virginia area recorded a One Small Step conversation as a part of their course "Democracy and Public Service." They talked...

Veronica Fischmann and Jenni Lippold

One Small Step conversation partners Veronica (36) and Jenni (42) have a conversation about their backgrounds growing up and living in different places, their experiences living abroad in Italy, and their views on having diverse communities and perspectives in their...

Ashley Kelly and Misa Layne

[Recorded Tuesday, September 12, 2023] Ashley (19) from Alexandria, Virginia, and Misa (18) who lives in Charlottesville, participated in this One Small Step conversation as part of their Public Service Pathways 1-credit UNST course at UVA. Ashley shares about her...

Elisabeth Bubay and Julia Baker

[Recorded Wednesday, September 13, 2023] Elisabeth (20) from New Jersey, and Julia (19) from Richmond, Virginia participated in this One Small Step conversation as part of their Public Service Pathways 1-credit UNST course at UVA. Elisabeth shares insights and lessons...

Anna Bartlett and Kate Johnson

[Recorded Tuesday, September 12, 2023] Anna (19) from Douglasville, Georgia, and Kate (18) from Somerville, Massachusetts participated in this One Small Step conversation as part of their Public Service Pathways 1-credit UNST course at UVA. Anna discusses finding leadership and...

Different Aspects of My Moms Life Growing Up

I interviewed my mom, her name is Salwa and she is 42 years old. We talked about how her life was growing up, the jobs she had, and how religion played a role in her life.

Lydia Smith and Jordan Perez

[Recorded: Tuesday, September 19th, 2023] Lydia Smith (19) from South Hill, Virginia, and Jordan Perez (19) from Harrisonburg, Virginia participated in this One Small Step conversation as part of their Public Service Pathways 1-credit UNST course at UVA. Lydia shares...

Ariel Jin’s interviewing her dad, Young-hoon Jin, on November 26th, 2023.

In this interview, Ariel Jin interviews her dad about how his experiences as a child/teen changed his adulthood for better or for worse. She talks about the major transitions and moments in life that affected her dads future.

Interveiw with my Mother

The interviewee is Maureen O’Connell and she is 58 years old and the interviewer is her daughter Amelia (me) who is 18. My mom was nervous to do the interview but I think it turned out great. We basically talked...

Hogan Family Heritage

Ella Monroe and Heleen Hogan (grandmother) discuss their family heritage from Ireland.

Interview With My Mom

My mom (age 44) and I (age 15) talking about my mom’s childhood, how she met my dad, and what impacts were made in her life. My mom talks about the relationships she has with her siblings and my dad....

Ahmad Khalid Noori and Lyla Kohistany

Colleagues Ahmad Khalid Noori (27) and Lyla Kohistany (44) share their parallel and contrasting experiences in the war in Afghanistan. They share what led them to join the Afghani and US Armies respectively, and what ultimately brought them to Virginia.

Karen Kiefer, Ebiere Cole, and Femi Cole

Karen Kiefer (53), Juliet "Ebiere" Cole (75), and Femi Cole (52) discuss building community in Green Bay, WI, culture shock, diversity, and cross-cultural interactions.

Samyuktha Mahadevan and Preetima Moteea

[Recorded Monday, July 17, 2023] Samyuktha (25) and Preetima (25) have a One Small Conversation in Charlottesville. Samyuktha is Programs Manager at the Karsh Institute of Democracy and has experience in politics, campaigning, and grassroots organizing. Preetima has 5+ years’...

Bereket Erecha and Aiche Sy

[Recorded Monday, July 17, 2023] Bereket (33) and Aiche (28) have a One Small Step Conversation in Charlottesville. Bereket has 10+ years experience in peacebuilding, journalism, and public relations and is Program Advisor with Dexis Consulting Group. Aiche has 3+...

John Ellis and Kara Silva

One Small Step partners John Ellis (43) and Kara Silva (51) discuss their shared love of the mind-expanding view travel provides. They reflect upon their difference religious views but shared sense of the importance of family and connection with other...

A Father's Love

Kathleen and Mike Dobbyn share stories and thoughts on friendship with Sherwood Regional Library staff. This conversation was a part of the “All Together Now: Share Your Stories” program for the Fairfax County Public Library’s 2023 Summer Reading Adventure for...

Emily Nguyen and Jaeho Lee

[Recorded Tuesday, May 23, 2023] Emily (19) and Jaeho (19) have a One Small Step conversation in Charlottesville, Virginia. Emily is a student at UVA’s School of Nursing and is passionate about climate change, gun violence, education, and nursing as...

Jerlena Griffin-Desta and Franceen Levy

One Small Step conversation partners Jerlena Griffin-Desta (61) and Franceen Levy (76) talked about how coming to the Bay Area influenced their perspectives and how complex and confining political labels and descriptions can be.