Olivia Johnson and Leah Hazell

One Small Step conversation partners Olivia Johnson (38) and Leah Hazell (68) come together to share their lived experiences and talk through the complicated aspects of being loving parents. The two share in common that they came to One Small...

Kelli Dickerson and Carol Hilborn

One Small Step conversation partners Kelli Dickerson (45) and Carol Hilborn (65) met virtually to discuss the growing political divide and their shared hope that people can find common ground. They both discuss their connection to Mississippi, parenthood and how...

Carley Larson and Tatiana Larsen

One Small Step conversation parnters Carley Larson (28) and Tatiana Larsen (37) have a conversation about learning from the wisdom of strangers, their COVID pandemic experiences, and how their beliefs evolved around Christianity.

Jodie White and Debbie Hollis

One Small Step conversation partners Jodie White (43) and Debbie Hollis (50), both natives of Louisiana, talk about how their early lives and transformative events like 9/11 shaped their politics, what they are proudest of in life, and their hopes...

Joe Marra and Landon Reid

One Small Step conversation partners Joe Marra (57) and Landon Reid (50) talk about how important their parents were to their development, the joys of both having a 5 year old and how to make some politics a win-win situation.

Mohamed Shoreibah and Lynda Wilson

One Small Step conversation partners Mohamed Shoreibah (47) and Lynda Wilson (72) discuss immigration, political misinformation, Birmingham's history of racism and political struggle, and their hopes for its future.

Mary Aldridge and Dalton Glasscock

One Small Step conversation partners Mary Aldridge (75) and Dalton Glasscock (25) talked about their values, travel, historical events they'll never forget, and being too aware, or not aware enough, of politics.

Jeff Hren and Camille Mojica

One Small Step partners Jeff Hren [no age given] and Camille Mojica [no age given] share a conversation about immigration, gender identity, abortion, their respective religious beliefs, and the role of the media in politics.