Wally Derleth and Erin Pyles Smith

Strangers and One Small Step partners, Wally Derleth (64) and Erin Pyles Smith (34) talk about their differing political views, the loss of a parent, and how their speech teachers were influential people in their lives. They find parallels in...

Lily Lipman and Laisha Gonzalez

Colleagues Lily Lipman [no age given] and Laisha Gonzalez (21) reflect on their professional experiences at the Lincoln Center and how those experiences have been shaped by their disabilities and other social identities.

Whitney Hill, Jor'Donna Bogan , and Joanna Bogan

Whitney Hill (26) and her cousins, Jor'Donna Bogan (32), and Joanna Bogan (24) talk about dealing with Joanna's autism and their current work. Whitney started a storytelling project, called SPORK!, in order to collect the stories of those who are...

Warren Brown and Melissa Reitman

One Small Step conversation partners Warren Brown (55) and Melissa Reitman (57) explore some of their political differences, explore the meaning they find in raising children and trade notes on the difficulties of public interaction in their professions.

Christy, a former PAT home visiting participant shares what it was like to be a first time mom of a child with the diagnosis of Autism.

“I finally called Parents as Teachers when he was three. He was getting thrown out of preschool classrooms, and not allowed to come back. I realized I needed some help. I needed someone to just give it to me straight....

Leslie Hoyt and Emily Hatch

One Small Step conversation partners Leslie Hoyt (66) and Emily Hatch (34) discuss their differing political beliefs, feelings around motherhood, and find common ground around experiences of loss and grief.

Lisah Crall and Wendy Karrick

One Small Step partners Wendy Karrick [no age given] and Lisah Crall (42) discuss parenthood, grief, role models, faith, the impact of labels, and the future of the country.

Struggles to Opportunity with Gail Orzechowski and Sofie LaFratta

Sofie LaFratta interviewed Gail Orzechowski about how growing up with a sister with severe autism translated into her future career as an elementary school teacher. She opens up about the importance of vulnerability and how being vulnerable created a lot...

Scott Savage and Jennifer Savage

Spouses, Scott Savage (58) and Jennifer Savage (56), share a conversation about the books that Scott writes, their collaborative working process, the tours they go on together, and the power of books. They also talk about neurodiversity and the role...

'I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it for me!'

I interviewed Jeremy Beal, 32 years old, I met him when he was a guest worship leader at my church. We spoke about his life growing up in Massachusetts and his passion for Autistic children.

Susan Haskell and Rachel Green

One Small step partners Susan Haskell (76) and Rachel Green (41) confide in each other about mental illness and abuse, relate over their political concerns, and note what they are grateful for.

Kimberly Bernard and Darwensi Clark

Darwensi Clark (42) speaks to writer, organizer, activist, and mother Kimberly Bernard (31) on her involvement in the Black Lives Matter movement.

“You have to be true to yourself in order to be true to your children.”

Mike became a dad at a crucial moment in the life of baby Aaron. When a family member who had just had a baby was in jail and could no longer care for her baby -- Mike got a call...

Jan Potter and Kathleen Asher

One Small Step conversation partners Jan Potter (73) and Kathleen Asher (49) talk about politics and how it affected their personal life.