Elizabeth Brady and Jennifer Perrow

One Small Step partners and long time friends Elizabeth Brady (58) and Jennifer Perrow (53) discuss what they are most proud of in the past year, working in HR and accommodating the hardships people are facing in their jobs, and...

Alex Mozes and Rosie Campagna

One Small Step conversation partners Alex Mozes (43) and Rosie Campagna (45) consider political parties, changing views and the bubbles we find ourselves in, questioning as a means of understanding and coming to one's views, distrust and conspiracy theories, the...

"Our role as geoscientists is to help people understand fragility and power of the world." an interview with Jackie Caplan-Auerbach

“What is the earth saying to us?” Jackie Caplan-Auerbach is a volcano seismologist with the Western Washington University geology department. Jackie studies ice avalanches, which can happen at any time. Most ice landslides do not give warnings, but some do....

"It hasn't been easy, but we've done it and we've done it well." An Interview with Dante Lauretta

Dante Lauretta, Regents’ Professor of Planetary Science and the principal investigator for NASA’s OSIRIS-REx asteroid sample return mission, has been working on bringing back samples from Asteroid Bennu since 2004- and he still has two more years before he might...

Seph Rodney and Monique Davis

Friends and colleagues Seph Rodney (50) and Monique Davis (56) discuss their work, their career paths, and how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected their lives.

"I like to say that being an astronomer involves a lot of things that my mommy never told me." An Interview with Marcia Rieke

Marcia Rieke has had to take a break from her job as a professor of astronomy at the University of Arizona recently because she is currently the principal investigator of the Near Infrared Camera being launched on the James Webb...

Dr. Ahsan Choudhuri and Susie Byrd

Friends and colleagues Dr. Ahsan Choudhuri (52) and Susie Byrd (51) discuss Dr. Choudhuri’s path to becoming an aerospace engineer, his decision to work at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), and their commitment to economic development and...

"You know what you're capable of,…trust in the interest and passion that got you here." An interview with Emily Williams

Emily Williams has traveled the world in search of birds. As a biologist, she’s worked in Kansas, Argentina, Australia, and Denali, and studied loons, flycatchers, kingbirds, and more. And even with all these experiences and diverse species interactions, she’s now...