Lauren talks about her son’s story with Opioid addiction. “He has become a very strong man”

Lauren explains how her son started his addiction to Opioids. She provided the reasons that lead him to do it. She showed how he suffered and made his family suffer with him. She also showed how he fought this addiction...

Getting a Perspective of Recovering Addict of Opiates

I interviewed a man by the name of Nick Geissler. He explains the hardships of being addicted to Opiates and how he got through them. // Transcript of Interview: Holly Halligan: What was the pivotal moment that made you want...

The worst case of drug addiction

This recording involves an interview of a former addict, my cousin, Alex. He recounts the time when his twin brother Anton, overdosed on heroin. This is an emotional interview of how strong Alex remained in the times of grief. Through...

Tim Towslee and Allison Swingle

[Recorded January 31, 2021] Tim Towslee, 44, and Allison Swingle, 31, participate in a One Small Step conversation via Zoom. They talk about their work in outdoor education, the impact of having a parent pass away, how their political views...

“I will never look up to her, I will never try to be like her”

In this story, I sat down with a person that wants to remain anonymous. We sat down to talk about how marijuana has affected their family. B: Who was the family member misusing drugs in your family? A: The family...

How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected addiction in America?

Jose Sanchez speaks to us on how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected social and familial relationships, his socioeconomic status, and his drug addiction.

“My parents were concerned, worried, and they just wanted him to get help.”

Hello my name is Shadirah. Today is November 6 and I am interviewing my mother Teresa in reference to a family member dealing with a drug addiction. Me: who was the person in our family misusing drugs? Teresa: My brother....

“They grew up with her being that way…..and then we grew up with her being that way.”

Kierre- Can you tell me who was the person misusing drugs in your family? Destiny- Well...there were a number of people, like my aunts, my uncles. Like my grandmother. Kierre- Did she ever lie about her addiction to any of...

Jennifer Justice & Kirsten Lavery

Jennifer shares her story with Kirsten of how through a series of unfortunate events she went from "supermom" to dealing with an opiate addiction and living on the streets. While on the streets she got pregnant with her third child....

Knowing the Parent’s Point of View of their Child as an Alcoholic

I interviewed my mother, Leila Halligan, about her son and also, my brother, Blair, about his use of drugs and mainly alcohol. We discussed the history of his addiction and how he is doing in the present. Transcript of interview:...

Diane Butler opens up about her son’s drug addiction and the affect it had on her family. “We are losing a whole generation to overdoses.”

Diane Butler talks about her son's struggle with opioid addiction and the toll it took on her family. She opens up about her story and her thoughts on the opioid epidemic going on in our society today.

"I mean there were a lot of things we did that were good experiences… But yet I still remember that feeling of loss"

Subject C shares her experience with her half brother of his drug misuse and how that affected herself and her entire family Rhian: “Okay so, who was the person misusing drugs in your family?” Subject C: “It was my older...

“Smoking causes unwanted attention”
December 1, 2017 App Interview

Luc: How old were you when you decided to start smoking? Anonymous: I was between 17 and 18, it was my senior year of high school. I was introduced to it in high school. I decided to pick it up...

"Choose the right circle of friends"

The interview is about my friend's drug addiction and we talk about how it all started for him, the things he went through, and the things that helped him overcome his addiction. Seyar talks about how his addiction all started...

Joe Houston & Scott Acord

Joe shares the story his rise from humble beginnings in DC. He was primarily raised by his sister before getting lured into a lifestyle that led to him being incarcerated at 16 to turning his life around and is now...

Amber Myles & Will Rogers

Amber, who recently won a nurse of the year award at Providence Health, shares her nursing journey from working as a parole officer to psych nurse. How working with psych patents is both rewarding and challenging, staying safe, and what...

Addiction Interview #1

KP: Today I’m interviewing a close friend of mine on her older sisters heroin addiction. So, you we’re about three years old when your sister started using, is that right? NA: Yes, that’s right. I remember her being around here...

Emily Nelson & Scott Acord

Emily discusses growing up with a substance-abusing mother, and how this led to her won struggles with abandonment issues. She also talks about running away, dealing with depression and methamphetamine addiction as a teenager and ultimately her recovery from addiction.

A conversation with my grandmother

Please, If you have suffered from abuse or anything. PLEASE DON'T LISTEN, THERE IS HEAVY TOPICS IN THIS INTERVIEW. Me and my grandmother spoke about her past, growing up with her father who went to a boarding school. We both...

Harold "Bear" Cubbedge & Andrey MacCracken

After years of struggling with drug, alcohol and criminal addictions, and numerus stints in prison, Bear was able to turn his life around. Understanding his criminal activities also gave him a high, he knew others must feel the same and...