Jennifer McCarthy and Teriyana Morton

Jennifer McCarthy (52) talks with her new friend and "fellow first-born" Teriyana Morton (28) about Jennifer's upbringing, education, and family. Jennifer talks about the impact of a traumatic brain injury on her high school experience and shares about her time...

A talk with my father

In the interview we talked about my dads younger childhood and what made him who he is today

Russell Interviewing Nikolle about losing her brother

This is Russell Paretzky interviewing Nikolle Vollmer who is it in relation to you that you have lost to drugs was it sudden or was there signs of the issue all right there question is how has this changed your...

"When people think of narcotic addiction, they don’t necessarily think of a prominent vascular surgeon…but addiction has no boundaries."

One to One seeks to create experiences that connect people to stories through conversations, allowing them to feel seen. This conversation between neighbors features Amy Musone and Steve Heird, Addiction Has No Boundaries.

Yasuharu Okuda and Phillip Wortham

Colleagues Yasuharu "Haru" Okuda (49) and Phillip Wortham (39) share the experiences that led them to undertake careers in medical simulation and explain the importance of simulated medical practice for reducing patient harm and loss of life.

Jenny Ballif and Serge Ballif

Spouses Jenny Ballif (39) and Serge Ballif (39) talk about the first time they met, Jenny's cancer diagnosis and struggles with postpartum depression, her recovery and their exciting new plans for their YouTube channel Science Mom and Math Dad.

"I see a lot of sadness which I turn into personal gratitude for the gift of sobriety"

Missy Middlesworth works for Atlantic County Prevention Center where she explains the types of programs her facility offers to help anyone who is suffering from any type of substance use disorder. Missy is here to help people out there and...

“I wished I could’ve asked, like why go down that route, like what are they getting out of it.”
November 16, 2018 App Interview

Nino: Who was the person misusing drugs? Barbara: My uncle on my daddy’s side of the family. Nino: Did they ever steal from the family to get money for their addiction? Barbara: *Deep breath* Yes, they have every time so...

My friend William

We talked about William's journey from drug addiction and homelessness to his life today.

"I witnessed it so that stuck with me until this day"

Here we talk about a close friend that was involved with drug abuse. Hello how are you doing today? I’m doing good. My name is Jy’Asia and I'm going to be interviewing you on a friend or family member who...

Greg Kelly and William Jones

Friends Greg Kelly (48) and William Jones III (38) share a conversation about The Prolyfyck Run Crew, and the influence and significance of the group in their lives.


Mrs.Bowker speaks on behalf of her sons drug abuse. After all the hardships and struggles her family had faced while trying to cope with the addiction, today her family is as happy as can be and are looking forward to...

Closing down smoking industries

Smoking is bad. Many people don’t truly understand the consequence of smoking till the end up sick. I believe the industries should be closed, but they too much of a profit that why even close it down?

“It just didn’t feel right to me so I just wanted to start a new leaf”

(Shane) Hello my name is Shane Wilborn. I️ AM a 19-year-old college student. Today is November 10th and I️ am interviewing my uncle Ricky in reference to a recovering drug addict for my story corps project. We are recording this...

My Stroke was God’s Blessing

A stroke survivor with aphasia talks to his wife about his perceived struggles and blessings. He hopes his story is an encouragement to others.