My interview with Carly (host sister)

Answer to the question : "Could you live without the social media?"

My grandmother

A quick summary of my grandmothers life and technology throughout the years

An interview with my step father.

In this interview my stepfather and I talked about his past with his family. We also discuss how and when his ancestors came in from Germany. We mostly talked about his time in the military and what happened there.

Discussing Social Media with Eve Dabney

Naturi Nicholas (18) a VCU freshman majoring in mass communications talks with Eve Dabney (40+), a family friend, about social media and its impact on their lives. They discuss life before social media, different social media platforms, and the pros...

“It's hard to say what's going to get invented and eventually end up being in everyone's homes.” An interview with Richard Johnson

Richard Johnson is an AGU member who has been coming to Fall Meeting for years. He discusses some of the keynotes he’s attended in recent years, like those by Jerry Brown, Elon Musk, and Dan Rather. A sci-fi enthusiast, Richard...

Justin Friedman and Ericka Kay

One Small Step conversation partners Justin Friedman (49) and Ericka Kay (40) talk about how their families have impacted their political values. They also discussed how subjects including the environment, gun rights, the U.S. Constitution, religion, abortion and social media...

Jason Wood and Jennifer Smith

One Small Step partners Jason Wood (43) and Jennifer "Jen" Smith (41) discuss influences on their political beliefs, affirmative action in workplace employment, and the challenges of police involvement with mental health calls.

Nancy Patterson and Suzanne Royer-McCone

One Small Step conversation partners Nancy Patterson (67) and Suzanne Royer-McCone (60) discuss the decision to have kids or not, the process of obtaining Section 8 housing assistance, and having different political views than their families.

Nell Schneider #4, 7/12/21

Nell Schneider (6/18/1930-) talks with her grandson, Matthew Harrison, and her daughter (Matthew's mother), Sue Harrison, at her Glendale Wisconsin home. During this interview, Nell discusses World War II; the attack on Pearl Harbor; food and recipes; changes in technology...

Maria DeNovio and Cory [No Name Given]

One Small Step partners Maria DeNovio (40) and Cory [No Name Given] (32) have a conversation where they exchange lived experiences and share moments in their careers that shaped their perspectives.

Communication in the past, present, future

An interview between a grandson, Garrett (19), and a grandmother, Lori (61) about the ways in which communication changed from when she was a child and where it will go.

Growing up in the 1970’s

Just how different do you believe the 70’s were? To answer your question they are very different. The people did not even dress the same as people now. Imagine living in a time where there was so little technology that...

Growing up in a digital world

An interview talking about the evolution of media technology and mass communication over the course of 20 years. As well as discussing other media technology and communication questions.

COMM 240

I talked with my Grandma about how communication has changed through the years, what it was like living in a different time, and the evolution of technology.

Technology in childhood:the good and the bad

Discussed how technology can have an influence in one’s childhood. Whether it be a positive or negative experience.

Thanksgiving interview 2017

Interviewing my Mawmaw Gloria Boudreaux (age 75) my age-17. We spoke about her childhood, the schooling she went through and her experiences at school in contrast to present day schooling. We also spoke of family traditions such as Cookie Sunday...

How communication evolved over my lifetime – a MASC 101 project

Professor Rader describes her relationship with forms of communication and media over the years.

Taylor Johnson and Michael Gonzales

Strangers Michael Gonzales (25) and Taylor James Johnson (31) in San Antonio, Texas discuss sharing their stark political/religious/sexual identity changes to the public and how the public's reception of their beliefs influenced them.

Meilan Carter-Gilkey and Aya de León

Meilan Carter-Gilkey (41) talks with Aya de León about their experiences of being mothers of color. Meilan shares about her young son's questions about race, how she approaches conversations with both her sons, the challenges of finding toys and media...