Ivonne Diaz and Sofía Avant-Mier

Colleagues Ivonne Diaz (35) and Sofía Aviant-Mier (22) discuss their experiences as Mexican-Americans in the United States, the political advocacy work they do with the nonprofit Texas Rising, and how they attempt to create work-life boundaries and advocate for themselves.

Graeme Manning and Stewart Manning

Father and son Graeme Manning (63) and Stewart Manning (24) share a conversation about their family, their relationship, and their upbringings. The two also share stories from each of their childhoods and reflect on the opportunities they have had, particularly...

Joe Montalvo and Amy Weinstein

Amy Weinstein (64) interviews new friend Joe Montalvo (60) about his experience responding to the September 11th attacks as a construction worker and how his life changed since then, including his employment, health, and financial standing.