Education Then and Now

My mom talks about the role education played in her life growing up and what it’s like going back to school now

Bradyn Clark and his Grandpa talk about his childhood, career, hobbies, and life choices

We talked about his whole life and the decisions he has made to get where he is today. We also talked about his love for the outdoors and traveling abroad. Finally, we talked a little about his wife and children.


Spoke about childhood.

Talking about Influential Mentors, Technology, and Continuous Learning with Ravi

Ravi Kanagala shares some insights about his educational and professional endeavors, and how he got to be where he is today.

High school senior Christara speaks to her teacher Jae about her struggle to pay for college and why she cannot return to Haiti.

“When you tell someone ‘go back to your country,’ you might as well be telling them, go die.” Christara, who does not qualify for DACA, opens up about her life and the first time she came out about her undocumented...


Interpersonal Communication Interview with Bri

Peer Interview

In this interview I asked my fellow philosophy classmate about his beliefs and future career plans.


I interviewed Kate Gilcrease who is 18 years old and she is my roommate. We talked about everything college in this interview.