Della Kostelnik Juarez and Julia Juarez-Kostelnik

Della Kostelnik Juarez (61) tells her daughter Julia Juarez-Kostelnik (22) about her experiences participating in a voluntary bussing/racial transfer program as an elementary school student in Seattle. Della describes how being the only white kid in a predominantly Black school...

Family Interview about Desegregation

Conversation with grandmother about the integration of elementary school

Interview With Ralph Stokes

James Davis, age 16, interviews his neighbor, author Ralph Stokes, born in 1953, about his experiences as a football player and being one of the first African Americans to be integrated during the Civil Rights Movement.

Pat Faherty and Dennis Faherty

Dennis Faherty (61) interviews his wife, Pat Faherty (62), about her childhood memories, and she shares her experiences growing up all over the country.