Chase Crowson and Christian Duncan

Chase Crowson, 40, talks with Christian Duncan, 34, about Chase’s medical condition, his three surgeries, his withdrawal from methadone, and their marriage to one another. Although Chase was born with two congenital conditions, he did not develop any symptoms until...

Sidney Davis and Dorothy Garza

Dorothy Garza (63) interviews her friend Sidney Davis (75) about how he beat cancer, what it was like being incarcerated for over 30 years, and the ways in which God influences his daily life.

Stacey Rosenberger and Fred Rosenberger

Stacey (45) and Fred Rosenberger (41) remember the difficulties of explaining Stacey’s cancer diagnosis to their daughter, Olivia. Stacey and Fred remembers all the techniques they used to explain Stacey’s illness to Olivia.

Jacqueline Lucier and Horace Johnson

Jacqueline Lucier (53) shares a conversation with her father, Reverend Horace Johnson (80), about his earliest memories of church, his call to the ministry, and the state of the church now. Jacqueline also talks about her relationship with the church...

Toya Williams and May Moe Tun

May Moe Tun (22) interviews her friend and colleague, Toya Williams (49), about her relationship with cooking, something she learned from her mother growing up. Toya also describes her journey navigating health and disability while reflecting on the importance of...

Phyllis Van Wanseele and Toddy Yeats

Sisters Toddy Yeats (68) and Phyllis Van Wanseele (74) shared memories of their childhood, discussed Barona traditions, and talked about the younger generations engaging in the community.

Kristin Jackson and Doug Raper

Doug Raper (72) shares a conversation with his daughter Kristin Jackson (41) about his work in radio, the nonprofit he founded, his children and grandchildren, and how he would like to be remembered.

Lisa Greenhouse and Scott Ancarrow

Lisa Greenhouse (59) shares a conversation with her neighbor, Scott Ancarrow (41), about how he became a pastor in Baltimore, his current church and congregation, and how his church adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ekaterina Shkurkin and Suzan Porter

Life partners Ekaterina Shkurkin (64) and Suzan Porter (72) discuss the way that COVID-19 has impacted their connection to family, to grief, and ultimately, to a stillness that is only possible by the abundance of time in a safe place,...