Olivia Johnson and Leah Hazell

One Small Step conversation partners Olivia Johnson (38) and Leah Hazell (68) come together to share their lived experiences and talk through the complicated aspects of being loving parents. The two share in common that they came to One Small...

Cate Romelfanger and Colleen Poleon

One Small Step partners Cate Romelfanger (66) and Colleen Poleon (50) find common ground around their careers in Information Technology, being raised in military families, and their belief that United States politics have been "infected" by polarization.

Donnell Graves and Kelvin Powell

Friends Donnell Graves (61) and Kelvin Powell (50) talk about their identity, being raised by amazing mothers, and the love and appreciation they have for Boston.

Alex Duda and Amy Greene

One Small Step conversation partners Amy Greene (64) and Alex Duda (37) discuss hopes for their children, why they don't like labels, and why people love to feel outraged.

Austin Turner and Nate Yoder

One Small Step conversation partners Nate Yoder (52) and Austin Turner (31) talk about growing up in relatively homogenous areas, expanding their point of view, their shifting politics and parenting.

Common Ground Tacony Oral History Project: Charles Tyson Jr.

A fairly recent transplant from West Philadelphia to Tacony, Charles is an artist, singer, dancer and event producer in the performing arts of Philadelphia. Charles gives insight into his involvement in the flourish Art scene in Tacony, also known as...

Theresa Johansson and Robert Alexander

One Small Step conversation partners Theresa Johansson (64) and Robert "Rob" Alexander (60) sit down for a conversation about libertarianism, the LGBTQ kids in their lives, and the intersection between science and god.

Wade Arvizu and Elizabeth Scaife break down the anti-trafficking movement’s past, present, and future.

Wade Arvizu (aka K.D. Roche) and Elizabeth Scaife candidly discuss the evolution of the anti-human trafficking movement and the importance of survivor leadership within every aspect. They reflect on the humble beginnings of their friendship and their hopes for future...

Michelle Parkerson and Maria Santiago

Michelle Parkerson (67) relates the arc of her career to Maria Santiago (35). She credits her parents for supporting her early artistic leanings, including her appreciation for jazz, writing, and acting. Parkerson tells of her time at Temple University, where...