Katie Hatfield, Natalia Calonzo, and Kim Entwistle

Katie Hatfield, Natalia Calonzo, and Kim Entwistle talked about what led them to becomes nurses and what drew them to Providence. They also shared some of the most memorable stories of their nursing careers and what advice they had for...

Les & Susan Cooper

Les and his family had many narrow escapes from the Nazis during the war and they eventually managed to escape across the boarder to Austria from Hungary. They had to live in a camp for a few months before they...

Miriam "Merry" Bauch & Katy Abelson

When the war broke out, Merry's father and brother were sent to concentrations camps where they were killed. She was sent to a separate camp from her mother, but managed to find one another later in Zakopane, Poland after the...

Niki Flynn and Steve Heck

Steve tells his story about career changes from ballet to occupational health therapy, his path toward Buddhism, personal relationship and connecting back to community through volunteering.

Thu Pham and Liz Wessel

Thu shared her story and Journey from Vietnam to the united States with her village. Thu discussed how their strong faith and love of their family kept them strong.

Joe Neustadt & Annette Weinberg

Joe shares his story of surviving a Nazi concentration camp. Joe, his brother and father were put into the same camp where he and brother were separated from their father. Their father was immediately sent to the gas chamber. Joe...

Martha Marcus & Katherine Abelson

Martha and her mother managed to hide from the Nazis for a period of time in their home country of Hungry. Once they were discovered they were put in a concentration camp where they were treated like animals. They managed...

Frieda Thompson & Susan Leitch

Frieda was nine yrs-old when the war broke out. Her family tried to get out of Germany, but were stopped by the gestapo. Her father was sent to a camp and killed, but she and her mother and brothers escaped...

Oscar Szmuch & Annette Weinberg

Oscar, born in Siberia, was a toddler when WWII broke out. His father was in the Russian military and could see what was taking place in Europe and became fearful for his family. After a stint in a Polish relocation...

Paulina Castiel & Annette Weinberg

Paulina, during the war the Nazis would make their lives miserable. When she was four they were taken from their home in Romania and forced them into a ghetto where they waited to be taken to Auschwitz. Her father was...

Caroline Weingarten & Annette Weinberg

Caroline, 98, sat down with Annette to share her story about surviving the Holocaust. She was 13 when Hitler came into power. Looking for a way out, she was one of 300 who were allowed to go to Palestine, because...

Eva Perlman & Annette Weinberg

Eva was eight months old when Hitler come to power. Her father was part of the resistance and fled with her and her brothers to Marseille, France then on to Lyon where he continued to fight for the resistance. Her...

Mireille Lister & Annette Weinberg

Mireille's family was living a very nice life in Brussels, Belgium when the Nazis swept through Europe. Her father had a successful business making outerwear and when the Nazis got to Brussels, they commandeered the factory, keeping him on to...