Lena Richardson and Alena Fields

Friends Lena Richardson (36) and Alena Fields (45) discuss their work promoting health and wellness in Louisiana, as well as the rich culture of food that can make healthy eating difficult. Lena and Alena share their journeys in this field...

Caroline Barnett and Gertrude Bridgeforth

Caroline Barnett (61) interviews her friend Gertrude Bridgeforth (98) about her upbringing, family, activism, and community involvement over the years.

Susan Canaday Henry and Naomi Love

Naomi Love (27) interviews her new friend Susan Canaday Henry (48) about getting over her arachnophobia, her career, her relationship with art, her childhood, and the life lessons that she has learned along the way.

Sidney Davis and Dorothy Garza

Dorothy Garza (63) interviews her friend Sidney Davis (75) about how he beat cancer, what it was like being incarcerated for over 30 years, and the ways in which God influences his daily life.

Antione Williams and Amiah Williams

Antione E. Williams (46) is interviewed by his daughter, Amiah Williams (20), about growing up in Alton, Illinois, his love for people, some of his favorite stories from elementary school, and he also shares some stories from his children and...

Toya Williams and May Moe Tun

May Moe Tun (22) interviews her friend and colleague, Toya Williams (49), about her relationship with cooking, something she learned from her mother growing up. Toya also describes her journey navigating health and disability while reflecting on the importance of...

Doris Green and Melvin Taylor

Melvin Taylor (49) asks his associate Doris Green about her career as an ethnomusicologist, her creation of Greenotation (an integrated score of percussive music and dance notation), and the time she spent traveling in Africa to learn more about the...