Queen Keskessa and Antonio Quinn Edwards

Friends Queen Keskessa (51) and Antonio Quinn Edwards (58) speak about their first impressions of each other, Antonio’s identity as an artist, and Queen’s experience coming to the United States and her Ethiopian identity.

Sidney Davis and Dorothy Garza

Dorothy Garza (63) interviews her friend Sidney Davis (75) about how he beat cancer, what it was like being incarcerated for over 30 years, and the ways in which God influences his daily life.

Jackie Burrell and Gerald Cole

Significant others Jackie Burrell [no age given] and Gerald Cole (52) share a conversation about their relationship. Gerald also talks about writing his first book, the advice he would give to his younger self and his daughters, and what he...

Toya Williams and May Moe Tun

May Moe Tun (22) interviews her friend and colleague, Toya Williams (49), about her relationship with cooking, something she learned from her mother growing up. Toya also describes her journey navigating health and disability while reflecting on the importance of...

Zena Zendejas and Imani Parkinson

Partners Zena Zendajas (31) and Imani Parkinson (28) discuss their relationship, how it began, and the things that make their partnership important to each of them.

Dorothy Garza and Twilla Booker

Friends Twilla Booker (59) talks with Dorothy Garza (63) about Dorothy’s childhood, her family, her time in college, in the Air Force, in Alaska, and Japan, her children, and about the life lessons that she would like to pass on...

Dario Rodriguez and Melinda Rodriguez

Newlyweds Melinda (26) and Dario (27) interview each other about how they never thought they would end up marrying each other, falling in love, how they have learned to be patient with each other, and the challenge they recently faced...