Kaleilani Grant and Nicole Farmer

Kaleilani Grant (38) talks to her best friend, Nicole Farmer (39), about her faith in God through many life obstacles. She talks about the period of life that she was forced into sex work and talks about how she is...

Kate Keisel and Cristal Mills

Kate Keisel (35) has a conversation with her colleague Cristal Mills (38) about their work, their friendship, and the importance of resilience.

Karen Countryman-Roswurm and Ashley Garrett

Friends and colleagues Karen Countryman-Roswurm (40) and Ashley Garrett (47) discuss how their lives have been different than what they expected, their impact on the anti-trafficking field, and what the future holds for them.

Wade Arvizu and Elizabeth Scaife break down the anti-trafficking movement’s past, present, and future.

Wade Arvizu (aka K.D. Roche) and Elizabeth Scaife candidly discuss the evolution of the anti-human trafficking movement and the importance of survivor leadership within every aspect. They reflect on the humble beginnings of their friendship and their hopes for future...

Chris Smith and Katherine Chon

On the 20th anniversary of passing the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, Representative Chris Smith (68) speaks with his colleague in anti-trafficking work, Katherine Chon [no age given] about his role in writing and passing the bill. He talks about how...

Meredith Dank and Amy Farrell

Friends and research colleagues Dr. Meredith Dank [no age given] and Dr. Amy Farrell (48) talk about the complexities of anti-trafficking work and the discoveries they have made in their research on human trafficking. They talk about the methods used...

Erik Gray and Robin Miller

Erik Gray (30) and friend and colleague Robin Miller (49) have a conversation about how they met, their work within the anti-trafficking community, the sense of value in their chosen field and gaps in service provided to those violated in...

Fainess Lipenga and Marga Fripp

Marga Fripp (47) interviews her friend Fainess Lipenga (42) about her experience being trafficked, what it was like returning to Malawi after ten years, are her work in the anti-trafficking field.

Shanika Ampah and Nathan Earl

Friends Nathan Earl (46) and Shanika Ampah (41) discuss how they each came to the anti-trafficking field, their individual stories of being trafficked, what they hope to see in the ant-trafficking field, and how they would like to pass on...

Marian Hatcher and Michael Shively

Friends and colleagues Rev. Marian Hatcher (59) and Dr. Michael Shively (59) talk about their work in the anti-trafficking field, the need of dealing with buyers, and the importance of having survivors on the front lines.