Nothing is being done because of the stigma.

Chad: Bill who was misusing drugs in your family? Bill: In my family, my youngest son Steven. Chad: how did you find out about his addiction? Bill: uhm… there were some red flags that went up my wife was doing...

Getting a Perspective of Recovering Addict of Opiates

I interviewed a man by the name of Nick Geissler. He explains the hardships of being addicted to Opiates and how he got through them. // Transcript of Interview: Holly Halligan: What was the pivotal moment that made you want...

Step Sister who lost her way

My name is Nick, I am here today with Sue to talk about a sensitive subject, so I want to thank you for joining me. Who was it that you knew that was a substance abuser or effected by substance...

85% of the people that are addicted are born that way, they inherited the genes from their parents.

Transcript Kojo: Can you tell me about your childhood life? Dawn: My parents were easy on me when I was me, they never punished me for anything and I was a bad kid in school which eventually led to me...

“I think everyone has those what if moments especially when you lose someone.”

Me: “Hi, my name’s Anthony Rapisardi, I’m a student at Stockton University and today, I’ll be interviewing my mom where her sister died in 2008 from an accidental drug overdose. So mom, did you or anyone else in your family...

Liz and Cindy talk about Cindy’s Father’s addiction. “I think that people can change. And people can learn from their mistakes.”
October 27, 2017 App Interview

Liz, 22, interviews her mother Cindy, 45, about her father’s drug and alcohol addiction as she recalls it from her childhood. Liz- Who was the person in your family who was abusing drugs? Cindy- It was my father Liz- Did...

Mother and daughter talk about substance misuse and how it has affected their family.

Who was the person misusing drugs in your family? The person was my brother. Did they ever lie about their addiction to any of the family members? Yes, to all of us. Yes, they did. Did you or anyone else...

“from there it became a lifelong addiction”

Who was the person misusing drugs in your family? Well, it wasn’t actually a family member. It was a neighbor, who I used to babysit when he was little. And he grew up and didn’t really know what he wanted...

Interview (2): "I didn't even know what the truth was anymore"

Jen: “The next person that I will be interviewing is someone close to me personally. She has been in a long-term relationship with someone has struggled with addiction and is now in recovery. In fact, she is the girlfriend of...

A Military Man’s story of his substance abuse when a tragic event happens to him.
December 1, 2017 App Interview

Matt: This is Matt. I am conducting an interview with Chad on substance abuse. So Chad what substance were you mainly abusing? Chad: Um. Alcohol. Alcohol Matt: Alcohol. Ok. Mat: What made you use and abuse alcohol? Chad: Um. Fourth...

“No matter what she did or how much she loved him she wasn’t able to save him”

A sister shares memory of her brother one year after she found him alone in his apartment in critical condition. He passed away a few days later in the hospital after he and his family made the mutual decision to...

Story corps interview with Nate Morell
November 27, 2017 App Interview

Tess: My name is Theresa DiMona and I am 18 years old and today is November 9th and I’m speaking with Nate Morell who is my social club advisor and we are recording this interview in Galloway, NJ. So, Nate...

“So, um you know what I didn’t have or what I had lost I have regained.”

Me- So um what was one of the things that uh made you change like your decision, like change your ways from being to go into recovery? Him- Well in the spring of 1986. I was having a bad time...

People know that drugs are dangerous, but people do them for the emotional high first, and the addiction comes later

Subject B talks about her experience with losing a past friend who she had graduated high school with. Rhian: “So who is it in relation to you that you’ve lost to drugs?” Subject B: “Um it was like, he was...

“Family is hurt by a loved one”
November 16, 2018 App Interview

(Mekhia)Okay, so here I have Adrian and I am interviewing her asking her about somebody in her family that misused drugs. So Adrian who in your family misused drugs. (Adrian) My uncle. (Mekhia)And how did you feel about your uncle...

“It was hard to watch, it was somebody that you love and care about abuse their body like he was.”

Me: Okay, who was the person in your family that was using drugs? Joe: That would be my father, he was using alcohol, abusing alcohol. Me: Okay, did they ever lie or try to hide the truth about their addiction?...

Jason Specht

Jason Specht (Person in recovery) What made you want to change your life? There was a suicide attempt that wasn’t successful and it made me realize that wasn’t what I wanted for myself. Can you remember how/why/who you started misusing...

“I wished I could’ve asked, like why go down that route, like what are they getting out of it.”
November 16, 2018 App Interview

Nino: Who was the person misusing drugs? Barbara: My uncle on my daddy’s side of the family. Nino: Did they ever steal from the family to get money for their addiction? Barbara: *Deep breath* Yes, they have every time so...

"I witnessed it so that stuck with me until this day"

Here we talk about a close friend that was involved with drug abuse. Hello how are you doing today? I’m doing good. My name is Jy’Asia and I'm going to be interviewing you on a friend or family member who...

“I didn’t see my dad as the type of person to ever misuse drugs”
November 19, 2018 App Interview

Cami: Hi I’m Camryn Geiser and I’m interviewing my friend savanna on addiction. Who is the person misusing drugs in your family? Savanna: My dad. Cami: What drugs was he misusing? Savanna: Cocaine and Percocet’s. Cami: Did he ever hide...

Isaiah interviews his mom on her addiction “now it’s not fun its necessary”
November 19, 2018 App Interview

Hi, my name is Isaiah, I will be interviewing you today. (laugh) Hi Isaiah, I'm Shonda. Can you remember why, and who you started misusing drugs with? I started misusing drugs at a very young age um with a cousin,...

“I just can’t get that vision outta my head no matter.. what”

Lourdes- Who was the person misusing drugs in your family and what were they using? Jessica- My dad and alcohol. Lourdes- And how long were they using it for? Jessica- For about 23 years. Lourdes- Did they ever lie to...

“I hated her … She wasn’t there for me the way an older sister should be.”
November 24, 2018 App Interview

"My name is Samantha and I will be interviewing someone who wants to be kept anonymous. Who was the person misusing drugs in your family? My older sister. Did they ever lie about their addiction to any of the family...

“well very fundamentally someone died from it so it was the worst possible outcome.”
November 16, 2018 App Interview

My name is Theresa Bancheri and I am a freshman at Stockton University. I am interviewing my cousin who lost her dad, my uncle from drinking addiction. Me: How has this affected your family? Anonymous: Well very fundamentally, someone died...


Mrs.Bowker speaks on behalf of her sons drug abuse. After all the hardships and struggles her family had faced while trying to cope with the addiction, today her family is as happy as can be and are looking forward to...