"The atmosphere is one of the most complex processes in nature." an interview with Luke Oman

As a child, Luke Oman was always looking out the window. Today, he works on atmospheric processing for NASA. How do volcanic eruptions affect everyday life? What happens when sulfur dioxide gases from volcanoes interact with sulfate aerosol and stay...

"Science is the engine that drives civilization." an interview with James Butler

James Butler has studied atmospheric chemistry, ozone depletion for over thirty years. Now, as the Director of NOAA’s global monitoring, he helps direct research into the hole in the ozone layer and climate change. He knows firsthand that we have...

"Be proactive and seek out opportunities." An interview with Tanya Harrison

Tanya Harrison never thought she was going to be an astronaut. But she was determined to go to space. And she did just that – through satellites, first to Mars, and now looking back at our own third rock from...

Yuri Ramos and Frency Moore

Yuri Ramos (36) reflects upon the memory of his mother, an immigrant from Brazil, with his sister Frency Ramos Moore (31). They have a conversation on the anniversary of their mother’s death who was killed by a drunk driver coming...

Daniel Abril and Gloria Abril

Gloria Abril (62), an advocate for her nephew Daniel Abril (25), interviews him about his struggle with mental illness and what has been most challenging throughout his journey.

"If you don't get it right, this planet is going to be very different before the end of this century" an interview with John Geissman

John Geismann, professor of geosciences at the University of Texas Dallas, shares his discovery into the science field and favorite aspects of working with students. He discusses the critical point we are in society and need for the global community...

“Volcanoes are where we’re making new earth, every day." an interview with Lori Glaze

Lori Glaze, Acting Director of the Planetary Science Division at NASA Headquarters, works with everything from understanding asteroid trajectories and material make up to the InSight mission which recently landed a rover on Mars. It’s no exaggeration to say Lori...

“Important astrobiology questions require that people in a lot of different fields… find common language.” An interview with Lindsay Hays

As a program scientist for the astrobiology program, the Mars Sample Return program, and the DAVINCI mission, Lindsay Hays’s domain spans from NASA HQ to Venus to Mars and back again. Lindsay became one of the first to witness images...

Holly & Bentley Fox

Holly talks about being an advocate for her trans daughter and how that led her to becoming a member of several PFAC (Patient Family Advisory Council) groups before she found one at the Institute for Human Caring that was advocating...

"Glaciers are the interface between land, atmosphere, and ocean.” an interview with Christopher Shuman

Christopher Shuman is on faculty at University of Maryland Baltimore County and a research scientist in the Cryospheric Sciences Lab at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Christopher has extensive work history in Greenland and in Antarctica, analyzing layers in...

Being an advocate for girls: "I'm constantly reminding my children that they can do anything."

In a conversation with Alison, Katie talks about her family, raising girls to be strong, smart and bold, and becoming acutely aware of gender in her role as an advocate for young women in Richmond Community Schools. Katie shares her...

"We're moving through a period of understanding [other] planets & how they relate to life on Earth." interview with Jim Green by Kim Cartier

Dr. Jim Green has spent 38 years of his life working at NASA. He started there with a fresh Ph.D. in Earth magnetospheric science and helped pioneer the magnetosphere research group at Marshall Space Flight Center. He spent 12 years...

Jennifer Kucera & Sarah Quinto

Jennifer shared her story about the barriers to healthcare she and others living with a disability face every day when they seek to get the healthcare they need. This has led her to becoming an advocate for health equity for...

"It's not data science, it's just science." interview with Dawn Wright and Mark Parsons

Dawn Wright, ESRI and Mark Parsons, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, share with us their journeys into data mapping, and how the field has grown, including at AGU. Before AGU embraced mapping scientists, people were starting to leave AGU. Now, they’re back,...

"It's through the science that I came to that "ah ha" moment. Climate change will affect virtually everything" an interview with Alice Hill

Alice Hill talks about her work at Stanford University's Hoover Institute on mitigating risk from natural hazards. She discusses her work in the Obama Administration running climate change programs for the Department of Homeland Security. She also worked at the...

“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious." A conversation with Parag Vaishampayan.

An astrobiologist, a bioinformation, and a microbial ecologist are just a few of the passions that make up Parag Vaishampayan's science journey. At NASA's Ames Research Center, Parag is space biology portfolio scientist.

Riza Mauricio, Rica Buchanan, Rina Mauricio, and Regie Mauricio

Riza Mauricio (62) talks to her children Rica Buchanan (38), Rina Mauricio (35), and Regie Mauricio (29) about her career as a nurse, the impact of racism and sexism on the medical profession, and the importance of advocating for oneself.

"Truth and Love are the solution…" Suzanne Lewis-Johnson & Nichole Terrett discuss their work in the fight against human trafficking.

Nichole Terrett, 32, and Suzanne Lewis-Johnson, friends and colleagues at RAHAB Ministries discuss how their lives brought them into the work against human trafficking, truth & justice and how healthy relationships are one of the most important change-makers for victims...