Why do I like Aquaman instead of Wonder Woman? I didn’t know what was ‘wrong’ with me.

David Radford first had an inkling that he was gay at eight years old. While watching Super Friends, he found himself attracted to Aquaman – not Wonder Woman, like his friends. David discusses the Shreveport gay party scene, Southern Decadence,...

Racing, Family, Fun, and Integrity-David Gee and Kailey Barrientos

Kailey interviews her father Dave. He is a great story teller and talks of a time when high-schoolers played pranks, and family was similar to a 50s TV show. For Dave, everything led to racing and a legacy of entrepreneurial...

Amy Yarger discusses Urban Prairies Project in Colorado with Karyn Light-Gibson

Karyn, a graduate student at Miami University, talks with Amy Yarger. Amy works at the Butterfly Pavilion as the Horticulture Director. She talks with Karyn about the Urban Prairies Project and its importance to the overall biodiversity of Denver, surrounding...

Student Sasha Nizamova and Teacher Jeffery Kohls discuss education and generational differences.

Jeffery Kohls, and 8th Grade teacher in the Denver Metro Area and Sasha Nizamova, a gifted and talented 8th grade student have an after school discussion on May 10th, 2019. Mr.Kohls shares his views about teaching as a middle school...

My dad’s experience with substance abuse.

My father and I decided to talk about his personal experiences with alcoholism and drugs, a story which has been important and informative to me for as long as I’ve known it, and that I wanted to share with other...

Interview with Samuel Taye

Arianna L., an intern at Arts Street, had the opportunity to chat and interview an immigrant from Ethiopia. We bring you this podcast episode to discuss his immigration and life story. Samuel Taye came from Ethiopia and now resides in...

Kellsie Forfar-Jones's Involvement in Community Engagement and Advocacy in the Urban Planning of Denver, Colorado

Valerie DeLeon (she/her) chats with Kellsie Forfar-Jones (she/her), Public Engagement Planner with Denver Regional Council of Governments, about what drew her to the field of urban planning, her passion for uplifting community voices, and what the future of Denver may...

Interview with Yokabed Ogbai, Gorreti Murguia, and Jose Catarino

Yokabed Ogbai, Goretti Murguia, and Jose Catarino have three unique immigration stories ready to be toldthat they shared with the J2U interns. Yoki is 19 years old and heading into college. She recently received her citizenship and currently resides in...

Interview with Helen Thorpe

Helen Thorpe, born January 23, 1963, is an Irish-born-American author and journalist. She has written for major American newspapers and magazines, and has authored three books. Her first book, Just Like Us, which follows the lives of four Denver girls...

Kamilla Karner

In this episode of our Journey 2 Unity podcast, we discussed an unheard life story in America. Yecenia, an intern at Arts Street intern, had the chance to interview an immigrant from Argentina. Kamilla Karner shares her opinion on current...

The Arts, and Its Impact On My Dad, Alex.
November 4, 2021 App Interview

I talk with my father about his passion for the arts, while he loves them, how he discovered his passion for them, and where he sees them going in the future.

Interview with Tamo Keita (Mohamed Zoumanigui)

Tamo Keita is an immigrant from Guinea Conakry in Africa. Tamo came here when he was 8 years old in 2001 and he is now 25 years old. Tamo arrived here by plane after his father married a woman and...

Interview with Erionna

This podcast brings you Erionna, An 18 year old young women who talks about her life in Denver, CO and the change in her community. Erionna explains how she wants to make an impact to those in poverty sometime in...

Dan Magnie & Joan Gregerson

Dan Magnie (69) talks with his sister, Joan Gregerson (60) about growing up in Denver, Colorado

Interview with Umutesi K.

Umutesi K. is a 17 year old living in Denver, Co and going to West Leadership High School. In 2012, at age 11, Umutesi K. immigrated with her family from Rwanda, which experienced a lot of violence from the Civil...