Tom Michael and Don Reiman

Tom Michael (52) interviews his friend Don Reiman (67) about his outdoor adventures and experiences in Boise, Idaho. They also talk about future adventures, the community, and flying.

John Atkinson and Nancy Bentley

Nancy Bentley (63) interviews her husband, John Atkinson (67) about his life, focusing on his health issues with eczema and asthma, his work in the Peace Corps, and his favorite family memories.

John Svagera and Mildred Marne

John Svagera (72) and his aunt Mildred Marne [no age given] share a conversation about their family history, particularly the experience of Mildred's father who immigrated to the United States from The Czech Republic (formerly Czechoslovakia) following World War I.

Ellie Bryan and Jeanne Croud

Ellie Bryan (21) talks to her friend Jeanne Boutang Croud (59) about her upbringing in Minneapolis and her racial identity - her mother is white, her father is biracial. Ellie is usually assumed to be white by people.

Zbigniew Kruszewski and Gaspare Genna

Dr. Gaspare Matteo Genna (57) interviews his colleague Dr. Zbigniew Anthony “Tony” Kruszewski [no age given] about his memories and experiences living in Warsaw, Poland during World War II. They also talk about the Warsaw Uprising and Dr. Kruszewski's involvement...