Kathleen "River" Artz-Iffland and Margaret DeRitter

Kathleen "River" Artz-Iffland (63) talks with friend, Margaret DeRitter (58), about her role as an out lesbian in Kalamazoo, her work to strengthen the lesbian community, and the family she created with her partner of 35 years.

Shawna Brown and Johana Gourdin

Friends Shawna Brown (34) and Johana Gourdin (26) share a conversation about Black joy and pleasure, queer space, transphobia, restorative justice, community resilience, and accountability. They also talk about the importance of music and movement, how their lives are different...

Christine Eddington and Roy Diehl

One Small Step conversation partners Roy Earl Diehl II (50) and Christine Eddington (55) discuss their journey to political consciousness, the importance of finding common ground, the role of conflict in social change, and the responsibility to challenge our own...

Vinny Fox & Henry Fox

Vinny knew from an early age they were non-binary. They didn't have the language, but knew that in their conservative city in Georgia, being non-binary meant being ostracized and punished. It wasn't until college that they had any positive gender...

Brian Bender and Lisa Terwilliger

One Small Step conversation partners Lisa Terwilliger (53) and Brian Bender (47) discuss religion and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mason Cohen and Phillip McFarland

Mason Cohen, a high school student, discusses the childhood and childhood experiences for one of his educators, Phillip McFarland (Mr.McFarland).

Erika N. and Hugh Murray

One Small Step conversation partners Erika N. (66) and Hugh Murray (81) talk about LGBTQ+ issues, diversity in their lives and value sets, and their shared troubled feelings about lies being pervasive in the US.

Patrick Tyrrell and Weston Engram

One Small Step conversation partners Patrick Tyrrell (19) and Weston Engram (21) discuss feeling misunderstood, assumptions people make about them, and their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown.

Spencer Haydary and Ethan Dahlby

[Recorded: Thursday, April 7th, 2022] Spencer (26) and Ethan (21) have a One Small Step conversation in Charlottesville, Virginia. Spencer is a UVA Law student and Ethan is a 3rd year computer science student at UVA. They are both active...

Janelle Bogart and Keith Pickus

One Small Step partners Janelle Bogart (38) and Keith Pickus (63) discuss their differences growing up Baptist in Wichita, Kansas and Jewish in Los Angeles, California.

Tina Stalion and Brad Palmertree

Brad A. Palmertree (29) interviews his mother Tina Stalion (52) about her motherhood experience and what his coming out experience was like for her.

Sharon Gonsalves and Estelle Gonsalves

Sharon Gonsalves (61) shares a conversation with her mother, Estelle Gonsalves (86), about coming out, being accepted, and walking the NYC Pride Parade together.

Mark Rolfes and Krysta Hartman
September 21, 2023 OSS Hub

One Small Step conversation partners Krysta Hartman (41) and Mark Rolfes (60) discussing political values, abortion, gays, divorce and religion.

Patricia Hewitt and Sarah Siegel

Wives Sarah Siegel (58) and Patricia "Pat" Hewitt (73) reflect on their relationship over the years and give advice for other young lesbian couples.

Maggie Williams and Martha Marvel

Friends Maggie Williams (53) and Martha Marvel (72) discuss being transgender and trans-feminine, living in the closet, they’re coming out stories, and building a community of support.

Margaret Woody and Claudia Marshel

One Small Step conversation partners Margaret Woody (62) and Claudia Marshel (59) discuss their upbringings and how politics have influenced their lives.

Stevie Merino & Angela Marith

Stevie talks about the health disparities and racism she's faced and witnessed while working in the healthcare industry when it comes to giving birth and postpartum

Victor Acevedo and Ajax Greene

One Small Step partners Victor Acevedo (61) and Ajax Greene (66) discuss understanding LGBTQ identities as straight cis men, whether businesses should take political stands, and their fears around aging and disability.