The “outstanding beauty” of our family: moving beyond words.
November 24, 2018 App Interview

This interview is on the six month anniversary of the day Barb was first admitted to the hospital with a rare illness, HSV encephalitis, which is an acute viral infection in the brain. Overcoming the life-threatening illness was only the...

Ali’s interview of his aunt (Jodi)
November 28, 2018 App Interview

Jodi tells us about the interesting life she's had, and the highpoints & lowpoints she's in countered.

Cindy Morris, Dealing With A Life Changing Illness

Cindy Morris was able to retire early to care for her mother, a stroke survivor with Parkinsons Disease. But just two year’s later, Cindy was diagnosed with Multiple Systems Atrophy - Parkinsons and required a caregiver of her own. Her...