Auntie-Grandma Jewel (sibling #7)

In the midst of the pandemic my family has been blessed with new life. I spoke with my Aunt Jewel about the experience of becoming a great-grandma during the outbreak. I thought I knew my aunt pretty well but this...

Betty Olson-Zajichek, Susan Zajichek, and Maria Kemp

Betty Olson-Zajichek (85) and Susan Zajicheck (60) interviewed by their granddaughter and daughter Maria Kemp (28). Betty and Susan talk about Betty’s childhood and young adult life, Betty’s late husband Hal, and favorite family memories.

Queen Keskessa and Antonio Quinn Edwards

Friends Queen Keskessa (51) and Antonio Quinn Edwards (58) speak about their first impressions of each other, Antonio’s identity as an artist, and Queen’s experience coming to the United States and her Ethiopian identity.

Suzanne Sheppard and Kerry Britt

Kerry Britt (58) interviews fellow home school parent and teacher, Suzanne Sheppard (51) about requirements, differences, and stereotypes in the home school communities in Georgia and Alabama.