Albert W. Wolfgang and Jamie Gunoskey

Al Wolfgang “Pap” tells the story of saving a prisoner’s life in WWII, and the compass that the grateful soldier gave him in return. He also reminisces with to his grandson about his father Henry and his uncle Amos.

Dennis D. Malcolm and Liam Moon:

Liam Moon age 15 interviews his grandfather on the occasion of his 80th birthday. Topic discussed include growing up in and childhood in Garland and Dallas Texas, hardships, and the most important lessons learned. 2020-08-23 16:37:38

The “outstanding beauty” of our family: moving beyond words.
November 24, 2018 App Interview

This interview is on the six month anniversary of the day Barb was first admitted to the hospital with a rare illness, HSV encephalitis, which is an acute viral infection in the brain. Overcoming the life-threatening illness was only the...