Chris, Judy, and Jenny Hunter

Jenny Hunter (45) interviewed her parents Judy Hunter (74) and Chris Hunter (73) about their childhoods in Rhode Island and New Jersey, how they met at Brown University in 1968, their decision to get married, the early years of their...

Glenda Reynolds and Glenda Dart

One Small Step conversation partners Glenda Reynolds (76) and Glenda Dart (76) talk about their lives and similarities, their political values, children in need of social services, term limits, and politicans more worried about their donors than their consituents.

On the Bus

Shirley Young's story is about her family when she was nine years old in Louisiana. She is a member of Pearls of Wisdom. The Pearls of Wisdom is DOROT's cherished touring ensemble of elder storytellers. DOROT, a nonprofit organization based...

Holland Forsythe and Michael Farmer

Holland Forsythe (19) catches up with her friend, Michael Farmer (19) about what it's like to attend film school in Los Angeles. The two also discuss Michael's outlandish trip to a remote farm in Colorado.

Jerlena Griffin-Desta and Franceen Levy

One Small Step conversation partners Jerlena Griffin-Desta (61) and Franceen Levy (76) talked about how coming to the Bay Area influenced their perspectives and how complex and confining political labels and descriptions can be.

Alexa Chiappetta and Lenny Kramer

Alexa Chiappetta (30) shares a conversation with her husband Lenny Kramer (33). They discuss their upbringings, and tell the story of how they first met.

Paulette Isaac Napper and Tomeka Napper

Paulette Isaac Napper [no age given] talks with her daughter Tomeka Napper (45) about leaving a record for her grandson so he knows about her life growing up in the south during the 1960s, family traditions, Jim Crow, and black...

Hiram Smith: Reflections on Childhood, Part II October 29, 2022

Hiram completes a series of questions about his childhood in De Leon, Texas. Meridith Albright and Byron Smith, two of his three children participated in the interview