Rachel Niemiec and Elizabeth Hopper

Colleagues Elizabeth "Elise" Hopper (48) and Rachel Niemiec (37) discuss their work in the anti-trafficking field. Elise talks about entering the field as psychologist and how she manages secondary trauma. Rachel shares about her work as a sexual assault nurse...

Amy Richard and Alyse Nelson

Amy Richard (55) talks with her friend and colleague Alyse Nelson (47) about the evolution of her work in anti-trafficking. She recalls her work in the early 90s conducting interviews with human trafficking survivors through a fellowship, and explains how...

Patricia Medige and Anlan Du

Patricia Medige (55) talks with her daughter Anlan Du (20) about her path from college to law school to becoming a civil lawyer for immigrant survivors of human trafficking. Pat remembers some of the cases she has worked on and...

Santiago Perez Navarro and Estela De los rios

Estela De Los Ríos (66) entrevista a Santiago Pérez Navarro (54) sobre su experiencia como víctima de la trata de personas, cómo ha cambiado su vida, y lo que le gustaría que otros supieran sobre la trata de personas. [Estela...

Neha Misra, Janie Chuang, and Anne Gallagher

Colleagues in the anti-trafficking field, Neha Misra (51), Janie Chuang (47), and Anne Gallagher (57), all share their "lightbulb moments" of memories that shifted their perspectives in their work. They discuss the complexities of human trafficking and how it's understood...

Kate Keisel and Cristal Mills

Kate Keisel (35) has a conversation with her colleague Cristal Mills (38) about their work, their friendship, and the importance of resilience.

Kaleilani Grant and Nicole Farmer

Kaleilani Grant (38) talks to her best friend, Nicole Farmer (39), about her faith in God through many life obstacles. She talks about the period of life that she was forced into sex work and talks about how she is...

Chris Ash and Erin Albright

Friends and colleagues Chris Ash (45) and Erin Albright (39) talk about first connecting with each other through finding common beliefs they share on social media about human trafficking and sex trade. Together, they discuss some of the opinions they...

Shanika Ampah and Nathan Earl

Friends Nathan Earl (46) and Shanika Ampah (41) discuss how they each came to the anti-trafficking field, their individual stories of being trafficked, what they hope to see in the ant-trafficking field, and how they would like to pass on...

Fainess Lipenga and Marga Fripp

Marga Fripp (47) interviews her friend Fainess Lipenga (42) about her experience being trafficked, what it was like returning to Malawi after ten years, are her work in the anti-trafficking field.