Queen Keskessa and Antonio Quinn Edwards

Friends Queen Keskessa (51) and Antonio Quinn Edwards (58) speak about their first impressions of each other, Antonio’s identity as an artist, and Queen’s experience coming to the United States and her Ethiopian identity.

Doris Green and Melvin Taylor

Melvin Taylor (49) asks his associate Doris Green about her career as an ethnomusicologist, her creation of Greenotation (an integrated score of percussive music and dance notation), and the time she spent traveling in Africa to learn more about the...

Lena Richardson and Alena Fields

Friends Lena Richardson (36) and Alena Fields (45) discuss their work promoting health and wellness in Louisiana, as well as the rich culture of food that can make healthy eating difficult. Lena and Alena share their journeys in this field...

Lymon Sanderson and Robert McCord

Best friends Lymon Sanderson (51) and Robert McCord (56) share a conversation about their experiences with addiction, homelessness, recovery, and finding homes. They also discuss the roles family, friendship, and God play in their lives.

Timothy Huntington and Marcia Drummond

Marcia Drummond (50) and her One Small Step partner Timothy Huntington (60) discuss parenting and parenthood, political ideologies, class, and how their youth influenced their views on the meaning of life.

Allison Briscoe-Smith and Sue Lani Madsen
September 15, 2023 OSS Hub

One Small Step conversation partners Allison Briscoe-Smith (46) and Sue Lani Madsen (67) talk about how political labels and identity labels don't always get to the nuance of a person, and share stories about how they're teaching the younger generations...