Climate resilience in the early years for RMI

Climate resilience in the early years is a focus for us here in the RMI. The work this entails is important so how can we bring existing work the government has done to upcoming projects for the more vulnerable in...

Steve Ghan: Climate Scientist, Hiker, AGU Fellow

After a career of 30 years studying climate change, Steve Ghan embarks on another journey of steps to "Make Earth Cool Again" as he is recognized as Fellow of the American Geophysical Union during the AGU 2018 Fall Meeting.

Raj and Nia talk about climate emergency preparations

My mentor and I briefly discuss her plans surrounding climate preparedness and what advice she can give to others. We also compare climate disasters to the COVID-19 pandemic and how they are similar and different.

So Wrong, but So Right

Long before texts, emails, and snapchat, if you wanted to talk to someone you either had to write a letter, or use the phone, and not a cell phone. Jake Freedman interviewed his grandfather Saul Freedman about his mid-high school...

“I’ve always been really curious at solving problems, and I like puzzles.” an interview with Compton Tucker

Not every scientist can boast about putting an end to Biblical-level plagues. But NASA Senior Earth Scientist Compton Tucker helped to end periodic locust swarms which pop up in dry parts of the world and go onto wreak havoc on...

"The best way to get ahead is to plant seeds of ideas in other people & watch them take off & run with it." an interview with Bruce Wielicki

Bruce Wielicki, a NASA Langley climate scientist, discusses his collaboration with economists to help non-scientists understand how climate change will hit them in the wallet, and how they could reduce that risk with modest investments in improved climate science. He...

"The 6 Mentors You Meet in Life" an interview with Chuck McClain

By his own count, Chuck McClain has had six mentors in his career. His first may have been a teacher in Kansas City who took him to his first physics demonstration. Since 1978, he’s worked at NASA Goddard Space Flight,...

"The Responsibility of Climate Change Data" an interview with Ruth Duerr and Steve Diggs

With great data comes great responsibility. Ruth Duerr, a self-described scientific “generalist,” and Steve Diggs, an ocean data specialist, take on years of efforts by scientists to inform the public while stopping short of being policy advisors. As data improves,...

“It’s been interesting and rewarding to see science taken seriously and have some action being taken.” An interview with Steve Montzka

Steve Montzka has been at NOAA for 28 years, working on atmospheric science, atmosphere chemistry, and trace gases in the atmosphere. He started there as a post-doc, drawn by the work he saw NOAA scientists doing on the hole in...

"I grew up in a place where I was the first to go to college – not just in my family, but in the village." An interview with Charles Gatebe.

Dr. Charles Gatebe's research focus is on clouds aerosols, ecosystem structure and function, albedo, and feedbacks to climate. In this interview, we chat about his science journey pursuing science, starting with his interest in studying Kenya’s air pollution, and how...

“We went there to study sulfur and we ended up making this big nitrogen discovery.” An Interview with Barry Lefer

As a Program Manager for NASA Headquarters Earth Science Division, Barry Lefer helps fund important global research and field campaigns that are measuring air quality and greenhouse gases. And judging by these studies, Barry thinks the future is looking good!...

"As soon as it [snow] lands, it starts to metamorphosize" an interview with Gail Skofronick – Jackson

Gail Skofronick-Jackson, Program Manager at NASA Headquarters, Science Mission Directorate, knows more about snow than most Tallahassee, Fla. residents. In fact, it may be safe to say that the program manager at NASA Headquarters knows more about snow than most...

“Scientists need to continue… educating the public on risk and uncertainty.” An Interview with Gary Jedlovec

Growing up in Chicago, Gary Jedlovec dreamed of running his own weather station and becoming the next great TV weather forecaster. However, that all changed when he discovered meteorological research. Now well into his career as the Chief of the...

“It’s been interesting and rewarding to see science taken seriously and have some action being taken.” An interview with Steve Montzka

Steve Montzka has been at NOAA for 28 years, working on atmospheric science, atmosphere chemistry, and trace gases in the atmosphere. He started there as a post-doc, drawn by the work he saw NOAA scientists doing on the hole in...

Alexis Creamer, Chelsey Carter, and Brett Maricque

Friends Alexis Creamer (27), Chelsey Carter (33), and Brett Maricque (35) talk about their work on the Black Genome Project. They reflect on the importance of grounding science in community, creating avenues for Black folks to heal, and more deeply...

Measuring global change from satellites. An interview with Chris Potter.

Dr. Chris Potter is a Research Scientist in Earth Science at the NASA Ames Research Center. In this interview, we discuss his research that is part of the collective project, the rapid response and novel research in earth science, which...

"Three Generations of Ice Cap Expertise." an interview with Sinead Farrell, Walter Meier, Ellen Buckley and Jackie Richter- Menge

What starts as a conversation about arctic change is actually an all-encompassing discussion about career growth, patience, and personal growth. Walt Meier, National Snow, and Ice Data center, introduces us to Jackie Richter-Menge, US Arctic Research Commission, who has spent...

Isla Roy and Tiffanie Corwin discuss community transformation and adaptation in response to the climate emergency

we discuss how the community adopted a more plant based diet as a behavior change to cope with the climate emergency.

"We have a big mess to clean up. There's no other way to say it." an interview with Steven Running

Stephen Running, an Emeritus Regent's Professor at the University of Montana, shares about his work with NASA studying the global ecosystem from space. Trying out a microscope at a young age ironically led him into a lifetime of looking at...

Sammy and Ellie talk about preparing for a climate emergency

Ellie and Sammy discuss useful general methods for being prepared. We talk about alt methods for gathering resources, being adaptive, and keeping the community members on the same page.

Climate Change Interview

I asked a fellow student about climate change.

"It's not data science, it's just science." interview with Dawn Wright and Mark Parsons

Dawn Wright, ESRI and Mark Parsons, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, share with us their journeys into data mapping, and how the field has grown, including at AGU. Before AGU embraced mapping scientists, people were starting to leave AGU. Now, they’re back,...